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monday rolled around again an for once Steve was excited to go to geography.The class ended and having packed up his books Steve scanned the class for Nancy only to disappointedly realise she'd already left.He sighed realising what lesson he had next and that he was coming of way too strong.He walked down the corridor collaged with posters over to his music room and decided Mr Salode had definitely lost the rest of his marbles when he saw the half fledged mustache he was sporting.Swiftly moving past Eddie who was scribbling something illegible down on something infront of him too busy to move the hair out of his face and just blowing it out of his way instead.Steve half considered stopping and taking a closer look at what he was doing.He sat at his desk careful not to touch the gum ridden bottom only to flinch as Tammy Thompson decided just then that she was the main character from a musical.Now Steve used to think she was cute and all she had a prettyface but the insecent singing no-matter what interaction Steve had with her and viscous gossiping soured anything Steve had ever had for her.

Eddie turned round to face him."Put her in the front line and the commies would drop their shit and run."Eddie was leaning back precariously ,chair on two legs and body half twisted round to face Steve .

"Yeah."Steve let out a nervous laugh and Eddie gave him a crooked smile showing of his dimples.

"Munson stop tilting that chair there's a reason i put you in that front seat."Mr Salodes high pitched voice came from across the class.Steve stared brows furrowed at the back of Eddies head ,attempting to shake the confusion out of his head, feeling like a broken mixtape.Before deciding to stare at his favourite spot which at this point he knew like the back of his hand.

Something hit Steve in the side of the head making him jump a little.He looked down at the piece of paper that looked like someone had tried to make a paper aeroplane and then given up halfway through ,that was laying on his desk.Interest peaked, Steve unfolded the paper bursting into an ugly fit of laughs face scrunching up and snorting .It wasn't even that funny he was just high strung enough that he was hypersensitive.He stopped abruptly looking up and making sure no-one had noticed only to see Eddie smirking at him large dark eyes lit up.

Eddie leaned conspiritally, tilting dangerously on his chair ,hand covering his mouth and flicking his eyes around suspiciously.Steve raised his eyebrows .

"And the virus is spreading."Eddie jerked a hand towards Mr Salode referring to his scruffy mistache."First the Police force and now those who mold the minds of the next generation.Soon the whole town is going to be run by rabbits."Whispered Eddie uselessly at a completely normal volume.Steve bit back another laugh but Eddie didn't drop the act.

"You won't be laughing when you wake up in the middle of the night with a carrot in your mouth and rabbit ears ruining that perfect hair of yours."Steve burst into a fit of uncontrollable giggling.Eddie shed the serious facade and grinned facestretchingly wide humming with energy.He was also incredibly relieved Steve hadn't picked up on him complementing his hair.This time everyone around them didn't even cross Steve's mind and his laughs subsided slowly eyes sparkling with laughter when he finally got his finally dissipated.

The bell rang out signaling the end of the day.

"I'd love to keep chatting but I'd rather not stick around here longer than I have too."Eddie was at the door at lightning speed .He looked back at Steve with a concerned face putting his hands up to his head to mimmick rabbit ears.Then he was gone sprinting down the corridor ,a whirlwind of manic energy.Steve shook his head to himself stomach aching from laughing so much.Maybe Eddie Munson wasn't so bad after all.One of his friends walked up behind him looking over his shoulder down at the paper on Steves desk pointing at it.

"Hey man whats that."He asked brow furrowed.

Steve scrunched up the piece of paper with the shitty drawing of a rabbit with a moustache, handcuffs and police badge, rapidly.

"Nothing dude nothing."Steve didn't look up at him attempting to act as casual as possible and starting to pack up his stuff.Feeling like he'd just committed a crime for some reason.
"Whatever dude just hurry up remember we have basketball practice."

"Yeah .Yeah I'll catch up with you."Steve waved him off packing up his stuff and making his way down the corridor.chuckling to himself a little despite the pain stitching his sides.


Eddie was laying on his front sprawled across his unmade bed.Black Sabbath was blaring through his headphones as he made his 20th attempt at trying to draw something.There was no white on his bedroom walls poster after metal band poster lined his room and anything imbetween was covered in an army of sketches sometimes overlapping each other where he'd run out of space.He was currently attempting to illustrate a character for a DnD campaign but everytime he was getting into the swing of things he'd get distracted thinking about Steve.

Eddie had known he liked boys since he was pretty young and sure he'd appreciated how pretty Steve was for a while now but he'd always thought he was kind of a douche .He definitely wouldn't call it a crush ,more like a grudging acceptance of the aesthetically pleasing.Eddie was always eager to annoy douches especially pretty ones and he figured a freak like him talking to Steve and throughing crap at him would be enough to set him of and quite frankly music was boring as hell.

Not in a million years would Eddie have believed Steve would laugh .He hadn't even believed Steve was able to laugh beyond the fake snicker when he and his gang where 'Joking' with some poor random teenager but he had been pleasantly surprised.

He thought back to how cute Steve looked nose and eyes scrunched up,making adorable little snorting sounds,his eyes sparkling with happiness after and the giggles, that Eddie couldn't stop stupidly staring at.Eddie was mesmerized. he Eddie the freak Munson had made Steve Harringhton laugh like that ,he hadn't wanted it to stop.Eddie blushed hard ,thowing his pencil ,frustrated ,across the room.He rolled over laying on his back ,task completely abandoned and staring angrily and flustered up at the ceiling.

He did not have a crush on Steve Harrington and that was the last thing he had to say on the matter.

Besides Steve Harringhton was the straightest most ladies man person Eddie had ever met.

Skull rock (Steddie)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora