My Iron Lung (EP)

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Lewis (Mistreated) - very hyper and very 90s - 200s rap / rock vibes.  8/10

Lozenge Of Love - calm guitar music, its cool but not really my style.. cool  6.5/10

Permanent Daylight - what?? i love this and the beginning .. thoms voice is distorted it sounds really cool 9/10

Punchdrunk Lovesick Singalong - the beginning is ok but halfway into the song i really like it. the beat is kinda weird tho 7/10

The Trickster - its ok throuot the song but the ending is SPECTACULAR and the lyrics are kinda weird but the singing is great. 8/10

You Never Wash Up After Yourself - calm lullaby .. theres nothing much to say but its cool 7/10

the album as a whole is ok but could do better like pablo honey.  7.5/10

for "My Iron Lung" (the song) its in the bends

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