68. Fleur Delacour

Start from the beginning

"Ginny!" Molly gasped, whacking her daughter's arm. "'Your kind'? I thought I raised you better than that."

"What?" Ginny shrugged, looking to Juniper for an answer. Juniper was still in shock by Molly defending her. "It's not a common thing to have one Veela in the house, let alone two."

"Sounds like a bad omen." Juniper laughed to herself, getting a wary look from Molly. "Joking, sorry."

"Did you hear..." Molly started, stepping in closer to the two girls to whisper. "They're engaged."

"What?" Ginny choked on her biscuit, genuinely caught off guard. "Already? I didn't even know they were dating!"

"That's what I said!" Molly raised her eyebrows, enjoying the little piece of gossip, it made her feel young. She looked to Juniper one more time. "If I hear in a few weeks that you and Fred are engaged..."

"No... no!" Juniper waved her hands. "Absolutely not."

"Why? What's wrong with my brother?" Ginny asked.

"What's wrong with my son?" Molly asked, the two of them sharing the exact same expression.

"I'm still in school! You-Know-Who is back! Now is not the time for a wedding." Juniper defended herself, forgetting a key reason. "We aren't even together anymore!"

"Hello, my princess!" Fred sung, as if on cue. Ginny and Molly took a sip from their mugs in unison, raising their eyebrows at Juniper, who was cringing to herself.

"Hello, Fred." She replied bluntly, swivelling in her chair to look at him. He was standing at the entrance of the kitchen with a bundle of tulips in his hands. "What are you doing here?"

"Am I not allowed to visit my darling mother, sister and future girlfriend?" He strolled in, plucking two flowers from the bunch, handing one to Ginny and Molly, before kneeling down on one knee, giving the rest to Juniper.

"Future girlfriend?" Juniper asked, looking at the tulips in her hands. "Aren't we getting ahead of ourselves, now?"

"It's not like I said future wife." Fred said. Molly let out a frustrated groan, tipping out the rest of her tea into the sink. "Should I have said future wife?"

"No!" The three girls shouted together.

"Bill and Fleur Delacour are here." Ginny grinned. "They're engaged."

"Good for them." Fred smiled, walking around to make his own tea, kissing Juniper on the head as he walked past. She hid her smile deep, deep down, keeping her eyes on the flowers to hide her blush. "We need something good at the moment."

"No we don't!" Molly argued. "We need clear, logical thinking. We don't need anyone- anyone," she repeated, looking between him and Juniper. "rushing into a marriage!"

"Is it because she's a Veela?" Juniper asked curiously.

"Of course not!" Molly defended her position on the marriage. "It's because they've only been dating for a year or so! They've clearly rushed into it since You-Know-Who is back."

"Trust me, You-Know-Who was the last thing on his mind when he proposed to Fleur." Fred laughed. "He was probably like 'shit, I need to put a ring on it before someone else comes along and takes-.'" He trailed off, noticing the glares he was receiving from each of the girls.

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