𝐴 𝑟𝑒𝑔𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑟 𝑑𝑎𝑦 (1)

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In the middle of district five stood a flower shop cafe. It was a place loved by many as it was one of the places that  had the best flowers and coffee in L’manberg. The place overall had a cozy and warm atmosphere, some people would sometimes do their work here or hang out with their friends but people mostly came here to get coffee or buy flowers for their loved ones and  friends.

Tommy, the boy who owned the shop, was a sixteen  year old avian who possessed healing and flower-based abilities (but no one knew that other than his roommates). He acquired the shop from his parents before he passed but not much was passed to him after their death so he had to rent an apartment with the money he had left. He shared that apartment with his roommate Tubbo and Ranboo. Tubbo was a short brunette ram hybrid with dark green eyes while Ranboo was an enderman hybrid mixed with another hybrid that is unknown which makes his skin half black and half white with red and green eyes. They were Tommy's bestfriends since he met them on a bench one day hence giving them the name  “the bench trio”.

Tommy walked to the train station in district seven. The soft breeze made him shiver. Winter was approaching in a few weeks and rent was due in a week. Tommy was really hoping to  get enough money for it by the end of the week and some extra for groceries. He and his roommates were not that rich and were just getting by with the money Tommy was earning at his job and he wasn't earning much. Even though his shop was quite well loved by the citizens in L’manberg, people rarely tipped and his apartments rent was getting higher each month because the landlord was a greedy man who always wanted more from people than he needed. In all honesty, Tommy and his friends hated their landlord but the apartment they rented was the only place they could afford at the time.

He arrived at the train station two minutes later and waited for the train to arrive. The train arrived and Tommy joined the crowd to get on the train. Tommy took a seat near the train window. He was staring out the train window when his phone dinged. He took his phone out of his backpack and checked his phone. It was a message from Tubbo, he was letting Tommy know that he and Ranboo will be home late tonight and to not wait for them.Tommy sighed, they always came home late these past few days but they would always give him the excuse that it was for work reasons/ he was getting suspicious of them but he was probably paranoid. He pushed the thought to the back of his mind when the train stopped at the district five station.

Once Tommy had arrived at the station and got out of the train he took out his phone to check the time, it was thirty minutes past seven in the morning, Tommy had thirty minutes to get to his shop so he can open it for the day.he started speed walking to his cafe to make it there in time so he could open it on time as usual which was at eight am. about twenty five minutes later he arrived at his shop. He took out his key and unlocked the front door of the shop and went inside to flip the closed sign to open. After flipping the sign, he walked behind the counter and started preparing the coffee machines and ingredients  he needed for the day.

A few moments later, as Tommy finished setting down the last container of coffee beans next to the  coffee machines he heard the bell at the door chime. As he turned around from the coffee machines he saw that people  were starting to enter his flower shop. He stood by the register and started to assist customers and went over to tables to collect coffee orders. As he stood by the counter a girl who looked to be around her twenties approached the counter. She had medium length hair and brown eyes with some thin wired silver glasses. “Hello, I was wondering if you had any tulips or daisies here? I was planning to give them to a friend of mine” the girl said whilst smiling politely. “I'm sure we do, do you mind waiting for a moment? I'll go get them for you” Tommy replied with a smile before walking away to go find the flowers the girl wanted .

He came back a few moments later and passed the flowers to the girl. “Im NIki by the way” the girl, Niki said while smiling at Tommy. “I'm Tommy, nice to meet you Niki” Tommy added with a smile in return.Mili paid for the flowers but before she left she said “i know we just met but i own a bakery nearby and was wondering if we could hang out sometime? I've seen you around here with Ranboo before and I'm his sister” Niki passes Tommy her phone so Tommy could put in his number in her contacts. Tommy added his number to Niki’s phone and Niki proceeded to  walk out of the shop soon after.

The rest of Tommy's shift passed in a blur. It was about thirty minutes before closing when the bell at the door chimed, notifying someone had entered the shop. Tommy turned around to face the register and was met with a man with  quite messy brunette hair and dark brown eyes with gold thin rimmed glasses.  “hi , the shop is still open, right?” the man asked awkwardly “duh, didn't you see the sign?“ Tommy remarked with sarcasm evident in his tone. “Wow, rude, okay” the brunette said as he rolled his eyes. “Honestly though, what do you want? We’re thirty minutes before closing” Tommy asked the man “hmm, an iced coffee please” an ice coffee at ten pm? What the heck is this guy? An owl? “Who the  frick drinks iced coffee at ten pm?” Tommy exclaimed “well I do, I have work to do you child” the man replied sarcastically “I AM NOT A CHILD YA OLD MAN!” Tommy exclaims angrily  “sureee” the man said. Tommy just decided to end the conversation by asking what name to put on the order and sure enough the man was named “Wilbur”. What a boring name to have.

Tommy went to make Wilbur’s order. A few moments later Tommy  called Wilbur’s  and passed him his coffee. Wilbur paid for the coffee and put some money in the tip jar. Tommy’s eyes widened at the amount of money Wilbur put in the tip jar. It was thirty dollars. Tommy glanced at Wilbur, who was sitting at a table near one of the big windows the shop had and then proceeded to continue cleaning up the coffee machines and counters since he had only 15 minutes before closing time. He had finished wiping down the counters and noticed Wilbur was still here . Tommy ushered Wilbur out of the shop as he was about to close the lights and flip the sign to closed. 

Wilbur had walked away asTommy was locking the shop door. Tommy locked the shop door and started heading down the direction the train station was to get home. T was forty five minutes past ten by then and Tommy  would arrive at the train station after walking for ten more Minutes. He arrived at the train station and sat down on a nearby bench while he waited for the train.the train arrived three minutes later and Tommy joined the small crowd to get on the train. He sat at his usual seat by the train window. He pulled out his phone and decided to scroll through reddit. As he scrolled through reddit his thoughts wandered to his roommates and what they were doing right now, probably at work or something again. The train soon arrived at the station ten minutes later and Tommy got off the train and started walking back to his apartment.
He unlocked the door and went to go shower so he could go to bed. After he finished showering he entered the bedroom and settled himself into bed, not even a few moments later he had fallen asleep to the sounds of the rain that had started falling not soon after.

The next chapter will most probably longer then this one

(Words count: 1430)

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