Chapter 17 {Marriage}

Start from the beginning

Hearing them murmur amongst themselves once more made you feel slightly much of an outsider "...I suppose that does explain (Y/N)'s remarkable strength and speed." You could hear someone mumble between them, guessing from their modulated and rather knowledgable tone, you could guess it was Rhys.

Though his eyebrows furrowed in a rather perplexed manner as if internally questioning something. "But as Ava's powerful parents are practically fond of (Y/N) and even thought of (Y/N) as their own child... So does that mean-"

Rhys sentence was quick to cut short as Pierce spoke over him. "That means (Y/N) could be a potential heir to the throne aswell..." Such complex words left you audibly speechless, you knew what Pierce meant but you couldn't utter a word to even protest against it.

You could see all of them try to turn the gears in their head at the sudden claim. "Is it possible for a heir to be a knight aswell?" Noi asked in a hushed voice but you could hear his words as clear as day, quite uncertain about it aswell.

Rhys chimes in with a hand on his chin as if thinking hard on something, his eyebrows never seeming to relax, furrowing further. "It's very possible, the human's culture and their traditions are much different than ours. Maybe it's also possible Ava's parents might reconsider giving the throne to her considering her.. naivety... and carelessness but then again..." His words trailed off, slowly turning to soft mumurs that only he himself could hear.

Should you have been flattered by the praise? that's what you asked yourself but instead what you do is ignore it, pretend you were deaf and did not hear a thing.

Several footsteps approach from behind you, making you shift your attention to what may appear before you.

A heavy lump emerge from your throat, drying it out from any word that try to get out. Crossing your arms in an awkward manner, your gaze goes down from Rhys to the floor.

All of you are in huge trouble just from the tension you felt slowly rising, Mr. Andrew just sighs in a disapproval manner. 

Mr. Andrew didn't utter a word but just from a quick glance at his body language and expression, you could tell he was severely disappointed. "Care to tell us what's going on, (Y/N) and Ava?" Mr. Devon questioned instead for the sake of his husband, his voice seething with disappointment and frankly some wariness in tow aswell.

Both Ava and you could only utter incoherent words that make no sense, stumbling each other with failure which ultimately results in embarrassment. "Well.. uhm." You utter out without thinking, words eventually trailing off to complete silence.

Before more incoherent words spill from both your mouths, Pierce speaks over you with clear confidence or maybe it was just him being blunt again? "I would like Ava's hand in marriage." His words caused all of you to go speechless, your jaw dropping with shock.

Ava's face flushes with red tint, while on the other hand both you and Ava's parents turned absolutely bewildered just from that one statement and he looked like he meant it too with that serious expression of his.

"Who're you even supposed to be?!" Mr. Andrew exclaims, almost shouting at this point. Not that he was aware of it.

Noi spoke up with a newfound determination to ensure the mission goes his way. "No, I'm marrying her!"

Having to put a stop to this, you knew full well if you didn't make a move to stop this mess, no one will. "Nobody's marrying anyone!" You hissed out loudly, startling everyone with the loud and rather sudden tone.

Holding your hand up in a exasperated manner, your furrowed brows relaxed slowly before taking in a deep breath.

"Can we take this inside instead of out in public?" You suggest with a bitter smile covering your face, gesturing towards the direction of both you and Ava's apartment. Though with how many people that slowly started to gather around, there wasn't much of a choice really given.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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