Who's the real pest? Me or you?

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(Inspired by video above.)

I wrote this at a really late time, feel free to point out any imperfections.

Tw: violence, wounds, Pest being a meanie, mild angst, a crying Poob.


Party Noob watched as their gift basket was thrown to the floor, the carefully crafted basket breaking due to impact. The red ribbon bow slipped off and came untied, and the cookies fell out. Tears didn't take long to start pouring down onto the pavement below.

They avoided eye contact with Pest, who was staring at him with an annoyed and frustrated expression.

"Listen here party bitch—"

Pest yanked Poobs hand into a position where poob was staring directly at them. Poob let out a yelp, instinctively gabbing at Pests wrists.

"—There will NEVER be something between us. We will never become 'friends' or 'Lovers'."

His grip on Poobs hair tightened and he tugged on it more, ignoring the loud sobs of pain coming from the shorter man.

"I hate your voice, I hate how loud you are, I hate your parties, I hate your bright hat and annoying partyblower, I hate you STUPID personality."

Pest grabbed Poobs right arm, digging their claw-like nails into his skin, drawing blood.

"Pest- PLEASE-"

Pest yanked Poob forward before throwing them back, letting them fall into the pavement.

"And worst of all, I hate you."

Pest turned around, heading back inside the house and slamming the door beside them.

Poob stared at the closed door, their vision blurry from the still pouring down tears. They curled up against their knees, showing their face into them and sobbing loudly. Part of them was happy it wasn't day time, they wouldn't want anyone seeing them, the super energetic and always positive party guy, crying their heart out over a 'small' rejection.

1 or 2 moments passed before they felt something fluffy nudge their side.

"Meow? Poob?"

Poob looked up, seeing Dr.Retro, or as they liked to call her, 'mom'. (Mother figure, not actual mom.) Dr. Retro quickly shifted into a more 'human' appearance, picking up Poob and letting them sob into her chest. She began her travel to their home, while sending reassuring words to try to calm them down.

Time skip brought to you by the author writing this at 2-3 AM.

Dr.Retro set Poob down on their couch, looking over his wound. Said man had long since fallen asleep, making the job a little harder. Due to the damage the sound had actually cause, her lasers could only stop the bleeding and start the process of closing the wound, the rest would have to be done naturally.

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