Chapter 2 ~ Venus's POV

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    Venus, Earth, and Mars were all playing cards, like they normally do. But Mars seems off. Hopefully Earth noticed it aswell. He kept on looking to the side, as if he was watching someone, or something.
    It began to really annoy Venus. He would place down cards late and sometimes woulden't place down cards at all. What the hell was wrong with him? "Mars, you keep looking off to the side, everything alright..?" Finally, The Earth said something.
    "What, oh, uh yea. I'm alright, no need to worry about me." Mars had replied back to Earth, even though, Venus noticed something in his voice. Was it worry? Dread? Lying? Stupid question. Mars was defenitly worried and lying. Venus laid his cards down infront of himself, but still making sure they were turned ont their back. "Are you sure, 'cause you sound worried AND you keep looking back there like theres something interesting happening."
    "No, nothings wrong Venus," Mars said with a slight hint of sadness. "I'm just a little.. Of guard today.." Venus decided to just trust Mars. Maybe that was all he needed to do.
    A couple hours into Venus's day, he realized Mars wasen't acting any better. He lied to him. Venus hated when his friends lied to him. Mercury had noticed that something was off to. The Earth was just talking to Mars, ignoring Venus. He had tried to talk to Earth a couple times, but Earth just told him "Not now!" or The Earth's Moon told him that Earth was busy, and to come back later.
     Venus was really starting to get tired of this. He tried looking for whatever it was that intrested Mars so deeply, but couldn't find anything. The only small amount of information he got was Mercury telling him that The Sun stopped talking to him often, and looked paranoid. He also heard Jupiter talking to Saturn and Uranus from time to time. Stupid Gas and Ice Giants. Why did they always keep secrets from the Rocky Planets?
    "Venus, Venus!" That was Earth's voice. Earth was talking to him again! "Uhm, yea?" He responded back, feeling better now that Earth was talking to him again. "Mars' moons, they're dead!"

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