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"How long will it take to get to Oldtown?" Jace was asking Aegon. They were all walking towards the central hall where they would wait for grandmother to join them. Jace had slowed and taken to walking beside his uncle, asking him questions of the home of House Hightower. Baela was walking just in front of them, rolling her eyes every now and then as the two boys talked behind her.

"I'm not sure," Aegon glanced back at Rhaenyra, who was following them slowly with Father at her side.

"A day, maybe?" Rhaenyra looked thoughtful, "it depends on how fast Tessarion can fly. As we were discussing earlier-" she smirked slightly- "both Vermax and Sunfyre are very fast."

They all let out soft chuckles at that. When they entered the hall Rhaena instantly noticed that grandmother was already present. "GRANDMOTHER!" Baela called.

Rhaenys turned to them, a large smile breaking out over her face. "Baela, Rhaena!" She spread her arms for them and the twins fell into her embrace. After a moment she pulled away and smiled at Jace and Luke, who had paused to allow their betrotheds their moment. "Jacaerys, Lucerys. How you've grown!"

Luke smiled softly, his eyes widening slightly when Rhaenys stepped closer to take him by the hand. "You look every bit the Heir to Driftmark."

It was true, Rhaena considered. Her betrothed had dressed himself in the dark teals and blues of House Velaryon, a silver seahorse chain hanging from his throat. "Thank you grandmother," he whispered. Rhaenys smiled. Rhaena caught Rhaenyra watching them with anxious eyes. She knew that her grandmother had never shown explicit affection to Rhaenyra's sons, especially after Uncle Laenor had died. But it seemed that the spectacle in the capital had changed Rhaenys' opinion of her grandsons.

"You did bathe Princess?" Rhaenyra asked.

"Not yet, I wanted to see my grandchildren first, you understand." Rhaenys responded, turning to Rhaenyra.

"Of course," Rhaenyra smiled, "good timing as well. Jacaerys and Aegon are to leave for Oldtown soon."

Rhaenys raised a brow, her eyes turning to her oldest grandchild and the green prince. "We're going to get my uncle, Daeron," Jacaerys explained.

Rhaenys nodded slowly, "that is wise... the greens already have Aemond, allowing them access to another son of Viserys is not wise."

"No, it isn't," Rhaenyra agreed.

Rhaena saw Aegon tense slightly when Rhaenys turned her sharp gaze on him. Her lilac eyes swept up and down his form, taking in every detail of him. "Prince Aegon."

"Princess Rhaenys," Aegon bowed slightly. "It is an honour to finally meet you properly."

"I'm sure," Rhaenys said, she pursed her lips, "you were very brave and very smart for coming here, my prince."

Aegon blushed slightly, "I just did what I could to secure my father's wishes."

Rhaenys hummed, watching him for another moment. "Grandmother," Rhaena cut in, "you really should bathe. You stink of dragon."

Rhaenys turned to Rhaena, a smile taking over her face. "Oh... do I?"

"Yes," Rhaena nodded, trying to keep her expression serious, "it is quite distracting."

"Then I shall endeavour to bathe at once my lady," Rhaenys said. The seriousness in her voice made Baela giggle and soon all four of Rhaenys' grandchildren had descended into soft laughter. Rhaenyra's chuckle reached Rhaena's ears then as she stepped closer, "please Princess, let me show you the way."

Rhaenys took Rhaenyra's offered arm, the smile on her lips fading slightly. The two older women turned and left the room with simple goodbyes to the others.

Rhaena turned to her father when she stepped closer to them, his own amusement dancing in his eyes. "You two, need to eat before you fly so far," he said to Jace and Aegon who both nodded.

 "You two, need to eat before you fly so far," he said to Jace and Aegon who both nodded

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Baela was fixing Jace's riding leathers. Rhaena was close enough to see the slight shake in her fingers. "I'll be fine Baela," Jace whispered to her, "I won't be alone."

"I know," Baela snapped, her voice filled with a false bravado that made Rhaena's heart clench. She glanced at Aegon, who was standing by Sunfyre, running his hands over the golden scales of his dragon. He was close enough to hear them, but seemed to be trying his hardest not too, letting Baela and Jace have their time.

"I'll be fine," Jace repeated, "now, I need to go or we won't make it back before sundown." Baela pursed her lips but stepped back to allow Jace to walk over to Vermax.

As he began to pet him and whisper in valyrian, Baela joined Rhaena and Luke at a safe distance. Rhaenyra and Rhaenys had yet to join them, but father was close by, watching them. "They'll come back Baela," Luke said softly, "they have to." His words were confident but Rhaena could hear the shake in his voice.

Rhaena was worried too of course. This was the first time in six years that Jace would be out of reach. And the first time that anyone besides her father had flown further than Driftmark. Jace was a good flyer though, with almost six years of experience. Aegon had flown safely in the dead of night from King's Landing to Dragonstone and Sunfyre was a steady flyer himself.

"It's time!" Daemon called, "you leave and you can make it back before sundown."

Jace and Aegon both nodded, and flung themselves into their saddles with practised ease. They would be okay, Rhaena thought. They looked so comfortable in their saddles and Vermax and Sunfyre, though young, were both quite mellow in the air.

"Leaving without saying goodbye?" Rhaenyra's voice called from behind Rhaena. Her and Rhaenys, still walking side by side, came to a stop beside Daemon.

"Goodbye mother!" Jace called from Vermax's back.

"Goodbye sister," Aegon said, his voice softer but carried in the rising wind.

"Goodbye my dears, come home safe!" Rhaenyra waved, "and with Daeron."

Both riders responded with affirmations, and then the two dragons. Green and gold. Took to the sky. Rhaena watched as they rose higher and higher in the air, before they disappeared behind some clouds and all she could see was the glint of light on Sunfyre's scales.

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