"At one stage, yes, it was. However, these days it's a treatment showing remarkable success."

A shuddering breath blew as I thrust my shaking hands through my hair.

Doc's lips quirked. "Frustrated, are we?"

I snorted. "You might say that."

Chuckling, he twisted at the waist and motioned towards the bank of lifts. "Why don't we head to the cafeteria and discuss Teddy's therapy options over a coffee? You look like you could do with a cup."

I bounced away from the wall and politely gestured for him to walk ahead. "Well, after you, Doc."

"Do you mind if I join you, gentlemen?"

We both pivoted leisurely at the sound of Doctor Baxter's husky voice.

"Erica!" Doctor Montgomery cheerfully exclaimed, opening his arms wide. "Why not? The more, the merrier, I say."

Doctor Baxter elicited a hearty laugh as amused cornflower blue eyes glittered warmly. "Careful, Charles, people might suspect we're up to no good."

"Let 'em!"

"So, Mr Jaeger," Erica simpered, setting a black plastic tray laden with food on the table.

"Ari, please. Mr Jaeger's my father," I politely insisted, extending her a small smile as I pulled a replicated plastic chair out from the square table and sat down.

"Now, we've settled that...." She flicked long red curls tied in a ponytail over her right shoulder, reminding me of Teddy's as she referred to the notes beside her. Her bright smile faded as her voice took on a more serious tone. "Ari, do you mind if we use this quiet moment to discuss Teddy's recovery period?"

"Doc here has already explained somewhat," I tightly murmured, generating more tears. I swiftly wiped them away and cast my saddened gaze downwards. My fight with the continual welling was extremely difficult when Erica's empathetic gaze was watching me.

"You understand due to the traumatic nature of Teddy's injuries, physically and mentally, her recovery could take weeks, possibly longer?"

I peered upwards to observe Erica hurriedly divesting the plate of mixed sandwiches of its clear plastic cover on the tray in front of her. "I figured it might," I stated quietly.

She lifted a small triangle to her mouth, and between bites, summarised Teddy's rehabilitation for me, "The impact of injuries coupled with her laying in a coma for the last few weeks will have weakened her body, meaning she'll need extensive physiotherapy. Food must also be introduced slowly, thus the light diet over the next few days, and if Teddy manages to keep the light soups offered to her down, we'll slowly introduce solids in small doses." Erica shovelled another triangle into her mouth and hurriedly chewed whilst unwrapping a Texas-sized banana muffin. "I apologise for my terrible table manners, but this is the first chance I've had to eat."

"You have to eat," I muttered, scrubbing my forehead. "So, Doc, I'm assuming Teddy shall stay here for an extended period during this recovery period?"

"Due to her fragile state, it's for the best she remains under our care," she stated in a no-nonsense manner, taking a chunk from the muffin and popping it into her mouth, chewing rapidly.

Doctor Montgomery concurred, "Our main concern is her mental well-being as Teddy's attempted suicide before, and compounded with her recent trauma - unfortunately, she's considered high-risk."

My head swirled as reality hit: Teddy wasn't coming home. I wanted to puke.

"Ari, are you all right? You suddenly turned as white as a sheet." His gaze regarded me shrewdly.

Unmasked, The Masquerade Trilogy, Bk 3Where stories live. Discover now