His original intention was that Mu Ran rescuing him could offset his previous mistakes, but Yi Haizhao misunderstood his meaning, frowned and said angrily: "These are two different things, there is no need for you to repay yourself!"

Yi Tian met Yi Haizhao's gaze, "I'm not repaying a favor." He paused, and then said without any hesitation: "I love him."

Yi Haizhao sneered, his voice full of sarcasm: "Do you love him? When you get married..."

"I won't start a family." Yi Tian interrupted him and said calmly.

Yi Haizhao was stunned for a moment, then his face turned scary, "Say it again."

"I won't start a family." Yi Tian's expression remained unchanged, and his voice was firmer than before.

Yi Haizhao grabbed the teacup on the table and threw it at him, shouting angrily: "Get out!" Is this a rebellious person or the son he was proud of who never asked him to worry about him? At first he thought Yi Tian was talking angrily, but he knew his son too well, and he knew from Yi Tian's expression that he was not impulsive. No wonder he didn't even want to meet on the blind date arranged before. It turned out that he had already planned it!

Yi Tian stood there and refused to dodge. The teacup hit his forehead and fell to the ground. It exploded and blood flowed down his forehead. The expression on his face remained unchanged. He looked at Yi Haizhao and asked: "Mu Ran is there?" where."

Yi Haizhao was so angry that he trembled all over. The pen mountain on the table was knocked down by his hand, and the brush fell down with a clatter. The thick ink spots immediately spread from the rice paper, and the words he had just written were in vain. .

Yi Haizhao looked away and stopped talking to him. He called the housekeeper in and said coldly: "Find me a stick."

The housekeeper looked at Yi Tian who was standing silently with blood on his forehead. He only hesitated for a moment, nodded and left.

As soon as the housekeeper sent the stick in, Yi Tian's mother heard the news and went upstairs. She was blocked from the door just as she was about to enter the room. The old lady was anxious and angry, but she knew that Yi Haizhao was also doing it for Yi Tian's good. , so I tolerated it for the time being.

Time passed by minute by minute, there was no sound in the room, but Yi Tian didn't come out either.

After all, Yi Tian couldn't let go and insisted on going in. The housekeeper was afraid of hurting her, so he opened the door and let people in if he dared to stop her.

As soon as Yi Tian's mother entered, he saw Yi Tian kneeling on the ground, his face was so white that there was no blood at all, his mouth was pressed tightly, the corners of his mouth were stained with blood, and there were red blood stains on the collar of his shirt.

Yi Tian's mother ran to him, wanting to see the wounds on his body, but she was afraid of hurting him, and tears immediately flowed down.

Yi Haizhao was unmoved and still looked at Yi Tian coldly.

Yi Tian didn't want blood to stain his mother's body, so he stopped her outstretched hand. He swallowed the sweetness in his throat, his kneeling body motionless, looked at Yi Haizhao and asked calmly: "Where is Mu Ran."

Yi Haizhao was so angry that he wanted to take action. Yi Tian's mother stood up and stopped him, his voice choked with sobs: "You want to beat him to death, right?!"

Yi Haizhao's hand was stuck in the air, and Yi Tian couldn't care anymore. He turned to the housekeeper and said, "Send him to the hospital quickly!"

Seeing that Yi Haizhao didn't say a word, the housekeeper acquiesced, and then quickly walked to Yi Tian and helped him up.

Yi Tian knew that he was almost reaching his limit, so he stopped holding on. His leg injuries from the car accident were aching, and he almost couldn't stand up even when he was being supported by the housekeeper. Yi Tian's mother had a heartbroken look on his face, and he quickly followed. Go over and help.

However, Yi Haizhao's face was as dark as water and he didn't say a word.

Jian Ning only found out the next day that Yi Tian was beaten by his father and sent to the hospital. Yi Tian's mother cried on the phone and asked him to persuade Yi Tian. Jian Ning smiled bitterly. If the teacher knew what happened between him and Yi Tian, would he still believe him so much? He didn't say much, just comforted him for a few words, and then agreed to go to the hospital to see Yi Tian.

When he went there, Yi Tian was talking to Su Wenyang, his expression was very ugly, and he could smell the medicinal smell on his body from a distance.

When Su Wenyang saw Jian Ning coming in, he stopped talking, nodded to him as a greeting, and walked out of the ward.

Jian Ning walked to Yi Tian's bed and sat down. He looked at the gauze on Yi Tian's forehead and the faintly visible bandage in his collar. After a while, he said, "Is it worth it?"

The expression on his face was extremely calm, and his voice was very soft, but if you listened carefully, you could hear a slight tremor in it.

Yi Tian glanced at him and said in a voice so cold that it could almost freeze someone: "It has nothing to do with you."

Jian Ning smiled softly, her smile a little bitter. He wanted to ask Yi Tian if they had not separated until now, would Yi Tian be willing to confess to his family for him?

But when the words came to his lips, he still didn't speak.

The smile on Jian Ning's lips faded a little, "I went to see Mu Ran that day."

Yi Tian's face immediately darkened, "What did you say to him?"

Jan Ning shook her head, "I didn't say anything, I just wanted him to be with you. But he told me..." Jan Ning paused, "You are only good to him because he saved you, you won't Together."

Yi Tian glanced at Jian Ning, sneered and did not answer. He would not believe Jian Ning's words. He felt grateful, guilty and sympathetic. This was how everyone defined his feelings for Mu Ran. He didn't care what they thought, let alone explain it.

But Mu Ran would not disbelieve him.

He brought him food, asked him to pay attention to his body, and promised to give him a gift when he came back. Even when he hugged Mu Ran that day, he raised his hand and hugged him gently to give him a response.

Mu Ran would not disbelieve him.

Jian Ning knew from Yi Tian's expression that he didn't believe her. He remembered what Mu Ran had said to him that day, and hesitated before saying, "Don't worry, maybe he left voluntarily..."

"If there's nothing else, you can leave." Yi Tian closed his eyes and stopped looking at Jian Ning, not even bothering to say anything.

How could Mu Ran leave voluntarily? He must have been forcibly sent away after being threatened by his father. With his kind of character, he would definitely not dare to say a single word of argument when meeting someone like Secretary Jiang. The more Yi Tian thought about it, the more worried he became, and he blamed himself for not being able to protect him.

Jian Ning looked at the alienated look on Yi Tian's face and felt confused for a moment.

Why was Yi Tian not even willing to make a questioning call when he left?

And now that Mu Ran is gone, he doesn't even hesitate to confront his parents and family? Even if you were beaten to the point where you almost lost half your life, you still had no intention of backing down?

He or Mu Ran, who is worthy? Who is not worthy?

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