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Mu Ran continued 18
2023-11-07 11:17 Category: Mu RanTurn off the lights

When Xu Ran arrived, Mu Ran had already calmed down, but he was still squatting in the corner, looking at the floor in shock. His thinking had been stagnant for too long, and now he suddenly woke up, still thinking about the past. Xu Ran didn't bother to ask more questions. She drove Yi Tian out of the bedroom, leaving only herself and Mu Ran in the room.

"Mu Ran?" Xu Ran walked over and shouted softly. Mu Ran raised his head and looked at her. Xu Ran smiled and said, "You still remember me, right?"

Mu Ran nodded very slowly, his voice a little hoarse, "Remember." When he was finally awake, he was chatting with Xu Ran in the hospital. Xu Ran was very friendly and patient to the extreme. She was the first person who was willing to listen carefully to what Mu Ran said, and Mu Ran was deeply impressed by her.

Xu Ran walked to him and squatted down. She was no longer so cautious, and smiled cheerfully, "How about we go over there and sit down and chat?" Mu Ran was infected by her emotions, relaxed a little, and nodded. He stood up with Xu Ran and sat down by the bedroom window.

Yi Tian was sitting on the sofa in the living room, holding his stomach and closing his eyes without speaking. His face was so cold that it could freeze someone to death. He Xudong was smoking a cigarette and looking at him with a frown. Normally, Yi Tian should be happy that Mu Ran woke up. Why is his face so ugly? Did Mu Ran do something to anger Yi Tian as soon as he woke up? After hesitating for a long time, He Xudong didn't dare to ask him.

After waiting like this for an unknown amount of time, until the sky gradually became brighter, Xu Ran opened the door and went downstairs. She came out alone. Yi Tian frowned and looked at her. Xu Ran knew what he wanted to ask and said, "Mu Ran is fine."

Yi Tian nodded, stood up and wanted to walk upstairs. Xu Ran reached out to hold him, "I want to discuss something with you." Yi Tian stopped and looked at her, and Xu Ran said softly: "Let me take Mu Ran out for treatment. Bar."

"Impossible." Yi Tian refused in a cold voice without even thinking.

Xu Ran took a breath and said, "He is not suitable to stay here with you. I told him and he agreed."

Yi Tian immediately clenched his fists.

"He doesn't think very clearly yet. He only has some vague impressions of what happened during this period. He can't tell which ones are real and which are hallucinations." She had stayed with Mu Ran for so long, and she explained his story to Mu Ran. disease, and then help him sort out his messy memories.

Mu Ran didn't run away, he listened to her carefully, and no longer reacted violently when she mentioned her mute mother. She seemed much better. It's just that the wounds in the human heart can't be healed so easily. Xu Ran knew that he was just holding on.

Yi Tian shook off Xu Ran's hand and walked upstairs without saying a word. Xu Ran looked at his back and said nothing. He Xudong came over and was about to speak, but Xu Ran suddenly turned to look at him and asked: "Is he so persistent with Mu Ran because he likes her?"

He Xudong frowned and hesitated for a long time, then finally shook his head and replied in a calm voice: "I don't know."

There was a helpless and sarcastic smile on Xu Ran's lips. You see, even Yi Tian's best brother can't give a definite answer now. How can she believe it? How can she let Mu Ran stay here with confidence?

When Yi Tian opened the door, Mu Ran was sitting by the window with his head down, wondering what he was thinking. When he heard the sound, he raised his head and saw Yi Tian. He stood up nervously and shouted softly: "Yi Tian..."

Yi Tian didn't answer and walked forward with a sullen face. However, when he was getting close to Mu Ran, he found that Mu Ran clenched his fists and was shaking a little. He stopped, locked eyes with Mu Ran, and asked, "Are you leaving?"

Mu Ran tried his best to smile. He looked a little nervous and spoke very slowly: "Sister Xu Ran said that I am not very mentally well right now. She is willing to help me treat my illness." His reaction is still slow now. , it's like my mind can't move, and I have to think word for word before I can speak out.

Yi Tian didn't answer, still staring straight at him. Mu Ran stopped smiling and muttered for a long time before speaking: "I'm here, too, please trouble you."

Oh, trouble.

He is willing to follow a woman whom he has known for less than a few hours and may not even know her whereabouts, but he is not willing to "trouble" her.

he. Yi Tian sneered, and his voice actually brought out some cruelty: "Don't even think about it."

Mu Ran froze on the spot and looked up at him in surprise. After a while, he explained hesitantly: "Yitian... thank you for saving me. I heard Sister Xu Ran say that you have been taking care of me during this time." At this point, he swallowed with some difficulty, "I didn't mean to trouble you for so long... I'm sorry." The confusing words ended with "I'm sorry" at the end.

Yi Tian looked at him. Just the day before, he was feeding him, bathing him, holding him in his arms and kissing him, as intimately as if he were one person. And now, all of this has turned into "hearing"? The Mu Ran who obediently let him take his lead, the Mu Ran who ignored others and only responded to him, turned into this cautious and timid look again.

What are you going to say, "Don't be afraid that I won't beat, scold or insult you again"? Say "Don't worry I'm willing to be with you"? But he was Yi Tian, how could he say such words to show weakness? He still had a cold face and said without any room for negotiation in his voice, "Just stay here and don't go anywhere."

Mu Ran looked at him blankly, his eyes looking a little sad.

Where did you go wrong again? he thinks.

Xu Ran told him that Yi Tian rescued you, took you home to take care of you, and also found Aunt Li. He didn't feel happy, he just felt so ashamed that he couldn't lift his head. He was rescued by Yi Tian again, this was the third time. He did that, but Yi Tian saved him three times.

Xu Ran said, don't have unrealistic expectations and don't do the wrong thing again. Yi Tian may only do these things because he feels guilty in his heart. He nodded and explained to Xu Ran that he no longer wanted to pester Yi Tian. How could he still dare to think about that now? He was just worried that Yi Tian was tired of it and kicked him out as a mentally ill person to save face, so he took the initiative to leave. Yi Tian has done enough, and he doesn't want to bring any more trouble or discomfort to Yi Tian, but he doesn't know why Yi Tian doesn't agree.

Thinking of this, Mu Ran suddenly realized that Xu Ran was He Xudong's wife. Maybe Yi Tian didn't want him to cause trouble for He Xudong? Xu Ran is also too good. She is older than Mu Ran and must be called sister by Mu Ran. After a short time, Mu Ran has become somewhat dependent on her and trusts her. Mu Ran shook his head, blaming himself for being so self-righteous again.

After figuring this out, he raised his head and explained to Yi Tian: "I won't bother Sister Xu Ran. I'm outside, looking for a place to live."

He thought that Yi Tian should nod and agree, but Yi Tian gave him a cold look, turned around, walked out and slammed the door.

Mu Ran was a little stunned and stood there helplessly, not knowing what he did wrong.

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