Yi Tian frowned slightly, not knowing how to grasp this "point". He looked at the small plastic spoon specially used for seasoning, hesitated for a moment, took a spoonful and poured it in.

The aunt had just turned off the fire for the soup. She turned around and saw his actions. She quickly shouted "Mr. Yi..." but was too late to stop him.

Yi Tian turned to look at her, and her aunt smiled awkwardly: "Too much..." Yi Tian frowned, dipped his chopsticks into the porridge and tasted it, his face instantly turned ugly.

Auntie felt funny in her heart, but she didn't dare to show it at all on her face. Yi Tian couldn't care less about her reaction, poured the porridge down and started cooking again with a sullen expression. This time, the aunt was no longer distracted. She stared at him and guided him step by step.

Yi Tian listened to her words carefully, and became careful with the movements of his hands. The aunt couldn't help but praise: "Mr. Yi is so thoughtful. There are very few men who are willing to cook now."

Yi Tianzheng looked at the fire with all his attention, and smiled when he heard this, "He is very good at cooking." He usually doesn't talk much at home, and his face always has no expression. It always makes people feel intimidated when they first meet him, and his aunt is also the first Seeing him smile like this for the first time made him look much gentler.

The aunt looked back at the man who was sitting motionless in the dining room and sighed slightly in her heart. When it comes to matters involving Mu Ran, she won't ask too much. But after taking care of Mu Ran for so long, she has some feelings for him, and she still feels it's a pity in her heart.

Yi Tian cooked the porridge, tasted it and thought it tasted good, so he took a small bowl. It's still early now, so letting Mu Ran drink some porridge won't affect his dinner. As he thought this, he didn't realize that he was a little impatient.

Yi Tian walked to the dining room and sat down next to Mu Ran. He picked up the bowl and scooped out some porridge, blew on it, and tested the temperature with his mouth before passing the spoon to Mu Ran's mouth. Mu Ran is now very cooperative with eating. He will open his mouth and eat the food without his persuasion.

After seeing Mu Ran chew and move his throat to swallow the porridge, Yi Tiantian felt relieved and continued to feed him. Although it would be a while before dinner could be eaten, Mu Ran had a small appetite now, and Yi Tian did not dare to let him eat more. He put down the bowl after feeding him a few mouthfuls.

When he turned around, he saw Mu Ran's lips which were a little wet from the hot porridge, and Yi Tian kissed them without thinking. The aunt in the kitchen was bringing a bowl of soup for Mu Ran to drink. As soon as she walked out of the kitchen, she looked up and backed away with a blushing face.

Yi Tian is getting closer and closer to Mu Ran now, and he does not avoid others. He has bumped into his aunt several times. At first, he was a little confused, but later he got used to it, but he was still a little embarrassed. She was someone Su Wenyang found. Before she came, she was specifically told to be careful about what she shouldn't look at and what she shouldn't ask. But after a long time, she didn't feel disgusted. Instead, she felt a little grateful for Yi Tian's careful care of Mu Ran.

When He Xudong called in the evening, Yi Tian had just finished bathing Mu Ran and was pressing her on the bed for a deep kiss. The phone kept ringing, but he didn't care. Later, when he was really annoyed by the noise, Yi Tiantian got up from Mu Ran angrily to answer the phone, and his tone was very bad when he opened his mouth.

He Xudong smiled and was about to joke about why he was so angry when he suddenly noticed Yi Tian's breathing that had not completely calmed down when he spoke. He Xudong used to love to play and was quite sensitive to this aspect. He immediately reacted, "Pfft"

There was a sound.

Xu Ran next to him looked at him suspiciously, and He Xudong immediately walked to the balcony with a haha. Just kidding, if Xu Ran knew about it, he wouldn't have chopped Yi Tian into pieces immediately with a knife.

After confirming that Xu Ran couldn't hear him anymore, He Xudong lowered his voice and said to the phone: "Are you sleeping with someone outside? Where is Mu Ran? Is anyone watching over him?" He Xudong didn't care much about Mu Ran. Mainly because he was worried that something would happen to Mu Ran and Xu Ran would go crazy.

Yi Tian replied in a cold voice: "I'm at home."

He Xudong clicked his tongue and smiled meaningfully, "You still brought the person back?" Before Yi Tian could answer, He Xudong suddenly froze, his eyes widened with an incredible expression, "Fuck! You and Mu Ran? You... didn't you?" He Xudong couldn't believe it. Ordinarily, Mu Ran was just a wooden person now and would not react at all in bed. It would be better to do it yourself than to do it with him. Besides, Yi Tian doesn't have anyone, even if he wants to vent his desires, it's not Mu Ran's turn.

"If you have something to fucking say, tell him immediately." Yi Tian was too lazy to pay attention to him, and his voice was filled with impatience.

He Xudong coughed and touched his nose, "Okay, so what... Lin Han asked me to ask you out for a meal. He wants to apologize to you." Lin Han did not dare to call Yi Tian, so he had to let He Xudong be the middleman. Although He Xudong He also felt that what Lin Han did was excessive, but after being brothers for so many years, he didn't want the two of them to remain in such a stalemate.

Yi Tian refused without even thinking: "I won't go."

"It's not fun to be like this. Why are you angry with him when he is ignorant? After all..." He Xudong began to mutter like a mother, and Yi Tian hung up the phone without hesitation.

He Xudong was so angry when he heard the beeping sound from his cell phone that he almost couldn't hold it up. Damn it... If he doesn't care about these two people anymore, he is his grandson

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