Ten: "𝙄 𝙘𝙖𝙣'𝙩"

Start from the beginning

I'm selfish.

The next seven hours are spent either asleep or listening to sad rock songs. I put on some leggings to go with my oversized t-shirt and make my way to the café , ignoring the calls of my landlord by covering my ears. My heart palpates as I look around the streets paranoid that they are somewhere here, watching me. Much to my fortune , I don't spot anything.

"There's my girl! We missed you at the café yesterday" Jim frowns exaggeratedly at the fact that I didn't have a shift yesterday. He looks around the café first before leaning in further, his arms now wide open. "The rest of the workers are so annoying, it was hell." I giggle in response to his antics. Jim can always make me laugh. The giggles die down when he bear hugs me, his arms pressing tightly on my shoulders. I bite my lip, drowning out blood so I don't scream in agony. He lets me go, a grin on his happy face and I can't help but smile back at him, rather weakly.

I can't let people be sad because of my own sadness.

After changing into my work clothes, I feel slightly better. It feels normal. Just a normal day, work after school. Except only he isn't here. I also want Wendy's.

Shaking my head to get rid of those pessimistic thoughts, I smile at my first customer.

Aw, babies! There are triplets in the couple's arms. I reach over to pinch one of their cheeks after asking for permission and giggle along with them.

"I love chubby babies." I tell the couple, who seem to be newly wed. The mother frowns, "They're not fat."


"No-um, I uh-meant that- did you want the vanilla cupcake with the coffee to go?" I try to change the subject with a nervous smile at it works. Thankfully. I wave at one of the chubby- I mean normal- babies and they give me a toothless smile. Aw.

My day gets better with each customer and the lack of any sighting of them. My grin returns as Clancy enters the café, a nervous smile on his face. He's dressed in a navy sweater over a white collared shirt and black slacks. He looks nice. Not as nice as-Don't.

He walks over to the counter after getting a look around the café. "Hey Maya," His gaze wanders over my face and a small smile grows on his face before he shakes his head out of his trance. Did I not wash my hair? I probably didn't pluck the weird hair on my chin.

"Hey Clance. Can I call you that? I'm calling you that. You look nice today!" A pink tint grows on his pale freckled cheeks and he clears his throat.

"Yeah-um, thank you, Maya. You look nice too.." he mumbles something at the end which either sounds like Wednesday or everyday. I think it's the latter for some reason. Clance leans on the counter and runs a hand through his auburn hair.

"Why weren't you in school today?" My eyes go wide and I look anywhere but him. I hate lying but this is something I have to do.

"My mom and I went out to a nice park. We wanted some time alone since we rarely get any, with work and school, y'know." I wish that were true.

He smiles and nods understandingly before looking through the menu. "Can I have a slice of the red velvet cake, please?" I smile in response before giving in the order and letting him find a seat. I'm filling the salt shakers when the door bell chimes. Putting away the things, I tie my apron tighter before preparing myself to greet the customer. I hope they buy the carrot cake since I helped make it. I won't force them if they don't. Okay maybe I will-

Grey swirly eyes gaze into mine when I look up and instinctively take a step back. Dalaric's face is nonchalant but I notice the twitching finger which tells me he's pissed. Very pissed. Instead of comforting him like I want to, I walk backwards, hoping to make it to the changing room where I can lock myself in to try and prevent any events including me in his warm embrace.

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