Chapter 8: Fair

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Artiste belongs to the awesome mallieur_maker!

Go follow her on TikTok or Instagram!


"...Oh, what the hell is this??"

"It's called a mob." Hiro said.

"It's called a pain in the ass." Bakugo grumbled; his figure hunched amidst the rising clamor that surrounded the front gates of their school.

"Isn't everything a pain in the ass for you?"

"If you count yourself, yeah, it is."

Yagi frowned, walking on ahead with Hironaka close behind. "I'm starting to regret having you tag along, Blasty."

"Like hell I wanted to walk with either of you, you wouldn't stop bothering me and followed me on the way here."

"Tomato, Potato, I call falsehoods, yadda yadda - you need to get the stick out your butt and learn to smile.

"Fuck you-!"

She let a devious laugh escape from her chest, using Hironaka as a meat shield to separate him from trying to attack.

What happened was that they had run into Bakugo by accident on the way to the tram. Yagi recalled that back when they were heading home after their first day on campus, he was still walking with them up until she played the sick card and forced them home faster.

They might not have lived in the exact grouping of houses, but they were essentially neighbors! And that was enough to-

"You're the kids from the sludge incident!!"

"Buzz off."

"Tell us-was All Might just as heroic as he seemed?? Did him saving your friends inspire you to come to Yuuei all the more?!"

"They're not my friends!!"

Yagi laughed nervously, trying to hide her growing anxiety with this crowd that couldn't seem to get enough of asking probing questions. "He's so funny- okay, leave us alone please, bye-!"

"Young lady, is it true that you were unconscious during the duration of the fight? Were you scared?"

This bitch. "That's... that's none of your business-"

"How is it that you were able to get into Yuuei while, during the incident you were-!"

Hironaka snatched the microphone out of the woman's hand, chucking it right in front of her afterwards. Yagi was grabbed firmly by the shoulders after and led quickly past the scuffling mob past the gates into Yuuei.

She didn't have to look back to know that the sound of shattered glass was the camera falling to the ground.

"Hiro-!"  said, trying to squirm out of her grasp, "What-? Why did you do that??"

"They were pushing their luck with their questions, and it was pissing me off." She let her go, standing in front of her with a scrutinizing eye that held a light of concern within it. "Are you okay?"

"I'm find Hiro," she nodded, gently swatting her hands away, "what I'm more concerned about is you getting in trouble for destroying company property! Your dad will kill you if he finds out!"

"I don't give a damn if he does. If the media wants an interview, they can send it in the mail, they don't have to pester a bunch of highschoolers about something traumatic that happened to them months ago... and they definitely shouldn't be doing it in front of a Yuuei of all places."

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