pt 1

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As I sat down ( maths second period) I saw her I never noticed her until now I was sat next to her nat I have fallen in love the second I saw her I was helping her in maths every word she spoke I had butterfly's I sat whith her at lunch and I felt like I was in a dream when I saw sum Nats best friend at the time the two of them where so butiful but I never said anyfing but I could never lose feelings for ever of them    

(A year later) yr 8

Nat and sum are now dateing and I still loved them so much but kept my secrets and feelings locked away and not a soul new about them until I got a phone and I spoke to sum over text I told her the shit I had locked away and she did two I felt a whait leave me I no longer felt shitty I felt ok and so did she after all the tears we had a conversation about random shit and she told me she knew I liked nat and asked if I liked her I told her I do and she suggests we all date those words skip my mind and I laughed then it hit me what she had just said my face turned from laghthing to a tomato my heart skipped a beat

( the next day Monday)

I arrived at school and got in formed by nat that summer had told her about her proposal I imedaly blushed as she told me her response I hit my self to see if it was a dream it wasn't I was awake I didn't believe it I felt like I was gonna have a heart attack I was that shocked by her response my life went from a knife to my neck to felling like I final had people there for me

(1 week later)

I finaly  comprehended that it wasn't a dream and it was really happening to me a kid hated by every one and I mean everything one in the hell hole of a school but now I have people I can talk to and help me and I  an help them I never thought my life would turn around for the best but I'm am happy it did

(2 months late present day)

I still fell like life is a dream but dream or not I hope it never ends

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