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As I sit in my dorm room, enjoying an English muffin for dinner, my mind intrusively shows me the memory of Shigaraki leaning me up against the wall, his eyes slicing through my core.

Ugh- stoooop Ashido...
I look over at my dresser, the black rose wilted slightly in the vase.
It's getting pathetic at this point, besides all the other things it is. Top being wrong.. on so many levels.

The sensation of phantom whispered promises against my skin makes me shudder and flush. I wonder if he does plan to reach out to me again, or if our encounter was nothing more than a fleeting moment in the chaos of our lives.

I roll my eyes at myself, and continue to scroll through my phone. Classes have been canceled the last couple days for some mysterious reason, which wouldnt bother me much only for the fact that it's left me with my thoughts.

Finishing my dinner, I stand looking out my balcony. I need fresh air. Get some air and just clear my head. There's probably a couple hours left of sun to take advantage of. I nod to myself, perfect.

I quickly pick out a comfortable outfit, slipping into a pair of joggers and a loose-fitting tee. Trying to hurry so I'm not out after curfew.

As I make my way to the common area, I spot Kirishima stepping out of Bakugo's room, quietly closing the door behind him. His eyes widen as he sees me catching him, there's a silent exchange between us. I've suspected for a while now that they're more than just friends, but seeing him sneaking out shirtless just confirms it. I can't help but giggle to myself as he blushes and scurries in the opposite direction.

In the common area, I find Momo and some of the others gathered around the table, engrossed in a lively conversation.

"Heeey, anyone want to join me for a run?" I ask, trying to sound casual. Momo looks up from her books and shakes her head. "Sorry, I have too much studying to do," she replies apologetically. The others echo similar sentiments, leaving me to venture out alone.

As I slip the pepper spray into my pocket at Momo's insistence, I cant help but feel disappointed. It feels like no one ever wants to join me to do something... But I push it aside, determined to enjoy my run.

With my earbuds in place and the familiar beat of my favorite playlist filling my ears, I set off down the trail, the cool evening air soothing my racing thoughts.

I take the longer path, watching the birds soar gracefully in the orange-tinted sky, I can't help but feel a sense of peace wash over me. The wooded path winding through the campus grounds has always been my favorite.

As night begins to fall though, it takes on a slightly more sinister vibe than I'm used to. The air, though fresh, carries a chill that I hadn't anticipated, and I find myself regretting not wearing one of my jackets.

As I continue along the path, lost in my thoughts, I start to wonder if this was actually not such a great idea. The darkness seems to press in around me, and I can't shake the feeling of unease that settles in the pit of my stomach.

Suddenly, my train of thought is interrupted as I round a corner and trip over a stray rock, my heart lurching as I stumble forward, about to fall. But before I can hit the ground, strong arms wrap around me, pulling me back upright.

My instincts kick in with a jolt of adrenaline. Without thinking, I react, my body moving on pure muscle memory. With a swift motion, I execute a hard flip, reaching instinctively for the pepper spray tucked in my pocket. Since I'm not supposed to use my Quirk without permission, this will have to do-

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