"You were my brother Anakin!" 

"He is the chosen one." 

"The Clone Wars." 

"I hate you!" 


"There is good in him."

"Execute Order 66." 

Gasping awake Rowan sits up from her cot. Eyes rushing around to find everyone still asleep. She was confused at the images she just witnessed. So much hate, death, and destruction. It was confusing to say the least. "Come find me," a voice whispers. Peering around the room to find her fellow initiates all still asleep. "Follow my voice." With much hesitance she rises from her bed to follow the voice. Observing the temple as most people were still asleep. Rowan sneaks down the halls until she makes it outside. Letting out a breath as she wasn't caught. "Almost there," the voice calls out again. Still hesitant she follows the voice until she arrives at a creek. 

"Where are you?" Rowan whispers. Leaning down to observe the reflection of the water's surface. She expected to see her own reflection only to find a void.

"Look closer," the voice speaks again. Leaning closer not paying attention to how close she had gotten. Letting out a short scream as she falls into a void. 

It was dark and cold

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It was dark and cold. There were endless paths leading to nowhere or were they actually leading to somewhere. "Where am I?" Rowan asked aloud. 

"You are in the world between worlds," the same voice speaks. Looking up she finds a female convor perched on what looks like a mirror or doorway. There was something unique about this one Rowan observes. And she wasn't talking about its unique green color.

"Why am I here?"

"In years to come, beyond your time, there will be another war. A war that will be different from all wars. One that will change the galaxy." 

"Where do I come in in all of this?" 

"I have seen the outcome of this war, darkness will win and shroud the galaxy. You are a warrior a far transition from the peacekeepers the Jedi came to be. One that the Jedi will need again. I have chosen you to be the one to complete this mission. You may not be the one they one but one they shall need." 

"I don't understand. The Jedi are at war with the Sith now. What's so different about what's to come?"

"Their enemy is hidden, to blind to see past the dark side. They will need all the help they can get." Smoke started to swirl around Rowan. "This is your destiny." Rowan panics as she still had no idea what was happening. Her sight is blinded by smoke. 

People chattering and walking around it the first sounds that fill her ears. Blinking to see she was no longer in the endless void. She peers around to find she is no longer on Tython. Actually she doesn't recognize where she is. Cautiously making her way through the streets. 

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