CH9 "i was spying on you"

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                Walker walked in his room, it was spacious, there was a 2 sized bed, a desk, a window giving on the city of Los Angeles, the bathroom had a bath and a shower, 2 mirrors and 2 sinks. And on his left, a closed door with a lock on it. He sat on his bed. He made it. He's in LA, in one of the best hotels, for a movie. He smiles to himself. He starts unpacking with some music on putting everything in the closet. He puts his skin care and hair products in the bathroom.

On the other side of the connected door, aliona was doing the same. But she had too much clothes so she took a break and sat on her bed, staring at the door that leads directly to the blonde boy. He called her a brat! What the fuck does that even mean she didn't do anything. She rolls her eyes and lays on her bed. He annoyed her. So she wanted to annoy him more. But how ? Maybe she could walk through that door and slap him. Or spit on him. Or yell out for him to reduce his ugly music. Or cut his ugly hair that annoyed her. Or kiss him and then punch him. Instead aliona just sighs and change into some cute clothes and took some mirror pictures. She took so many. With flash. Without. she changed the angle one hundred times. Until she found the perfect one. She opens Instagram and posts it on her story.

@alivera posted a new story.

INSTAGRAM NOTIFICATION @alivera posted a new story

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

Walker doesn't wait a second before viewing it. Right after posting it, aliona tiptoed to the linked door and pressed her ear to it. Walker didn't know what to do after seeing this, she was right across the room, and it killed him that they were not unpacking together like they would probably if they weren't arguing. And now she's posting Instagram stories like it's nothing. She's doing it on purpose. Walker stares at the picture and groans out of frustration. But she wouldn't post a story just to piss him off. Alionas posting it so other guys could see her. I mean why would she if it wasn't for that? Walker stares at the door. He wants to fix this. But he's not gonna apologize because he didn't do anything wrong. But wait he raised his voice at her. And he called her a brat. And he didn't help her carry her 2 suitcases. So now he feels worse. He presses his ear to the door, to hear what's she's doing, to see if it's a good moment to talk to her. (He wants to know what's she's doing.) he hears nothing. He thinks for a moment, organizing what to say to her without apologizing. He takes a deep breath.
And he opens the door.

He's faced directly with an aliona that quickly blushes and looks away, caught right infront of the door.

"What are you doing." Those are the only words walker could think of. "I was spying on you." She admits. Walker stares at her with a gaped mouth. He was doing the same exact thing. was he going to admit it to her? No.
He nods, "okay."
"What are you doing?" She asks him.

"I'm opening the door... to get some air."
She nods, "okay. You need me to open your window for you?"
"It doesn't open you know security reasons so nobody can jump it's hotel policy. So like, i thought of the door. To get some fresh air." Walker says absolutely forgetting everything he was SUPPOSED to say.

VERA - walker scobellOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora