Happily Ever After

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Hi friends,

Here is the last part of this story.. Thank you so much for the votes & comments on previous parts.. 😊 Happy reading..😊

Dedicated to gmmgmaangeet . Thank you dear for always showing great support my stories. There were times when I just wanted to give up writing but your comments have always been encouraging to keep writing & complete at least my on going stories.

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Madhu was distressed as she thought about the fight that she had with Rk. She said all that out of anger she didn't mean any of that at all, but how could she tell him that when he's been ignoring her.
"That would be 570, are you paying by cash or card?"hearing the salesgirl's voice Madhu came out of the thoughts. "Cash.."She said as she forward the cash & collected the items she purchased & walked out of the supermarket. Her steps froze to the ground as she spotted something, someone to be exact at the opposite side of the road.
Rk & Dipali walked out of the hospital with few files which seemed like medical reports in his hand. So he had been with Dipali all this while that's why he had been ignoring her calls. Madhu's heart felt a pinch as tears threatened to fall from her eyes. She quickly leaves from there. Reaching her house Madhu let her tears fall freely. She has lost him now.

"I wish you very happy married life, Rishu.."Madhu wishes Rk with a small fake smile on her face..

"It's Rishabh or Rk for you Madhubala only ppl who are close to me call me Rishu.."Rk tells her sternly & Madhu nods her head sadly hearing him..

"& I hope you attend my wedding, not that I care for .."he tells her in his icy cold voice making her eyes fill up with tears but she was smart enough to blink it back before anyone could notice it..

Madhu wakes up from her nightmare sweating. She couldn't even think of losing him. Once she made peace with the fact that they can never be together as Rk loves Dipali but after all they have gone through together she couldn't lose him again. She couldn't keep everything to herself anymore. She doesn't care whether he's with Dipali or not she's going to confess her feelings to him. She is going to tell him that she has always been in love with him & if he is going to reject her then she will go away from his life forever, but this time she's not going to back off without at least giving a try.

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"Dipali I'm telling you, you shouldn't stay alone at this condition. Your sister lives in this city only right? Why don't you move into her apartment or ask her to stay with you here? I'm sure she wouldn't mind." Rk tells her as he helped her sit on the couch.
"I don't want my family to know yet, Rk."Dipali tells as she looked at him.
"But you can't stay alone in your condition" Rk tells her as he pulled a chair & sits opposite to her.
"You're here right?"Dipali tells him as she smiles at him.. Hearing her he looks at her dumbfounded he didn't know what to say to that. "I cannot be with you all the time. There should be someone with you all the time to look after you" Rk tells her. "I'm sorry, Rk."Dipali tells him all of sudden. "What? Why are you saying sorry?" He looks at her confused. "For hurting your feelings, I knew you had feelings for me but I.."
"Nonsense "Rk cuts off. "It was not your fault & it's not like you gave me an impression that you like me. I was a fool to assume things. Actually it took me a while to understand that back then I was really immature. No wonder you rejected me. I was not the type of man a girl would want to spend whole her life with. I was just a boy who was upset as his crush rejected him who would even want to be with such an immature guy"Rk tells shaking his head as he slightly grins. Dipali looks at him surprised this was not the Rk that she knew. He didn't look upset as he said that, he said all that from heart which means he moved on. It was as if he grew a lot mature in the past few months. The Rk she knew was a rich kind boy but very immature & that was why she never took his feelings seriously. She thought his feelings for her to be a silly crush. He was too immature & she could not be serious with him, but now he is a matured man. She did not know what brought the changes in him but she was grateful that he's there in her life. He didn't judge her & genuinely cared for her without holding it against her for choosing Sultan over him.

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