The girls are silent for a moment as if trying to comprehend Daenys' words.  She continues.

"Sometimes...  I ─ I have dreams.  Most nights it is of mother.  And she is always standing in the same place by the window.  Rocking our brother to her chest.  Sometimes, her lips move, but I cannot hear her."  She stops for a moment before adding.  "In fact, I cannot hear anything." 

"How do you know it is mother? "  Rhaenyra asks.  In her eyes, she was confident the babe in their mother's belly was a girl.  But another part of her was curious as to why Daenys felt so confident.  In her dreams she had even said the woman spoke, but she could never hear her.  Their mother was not the only woman with white hair.  

"Because it looks like her! "  Daenys turned to Rhaenyra, wide-eyed, as if that was enough. 

"Like? "  repeated Rhaenyra.  She raises an eyebrow.  Was this why Daenys was so confident that it was a boy?  And for her mind to go straight to their mother.  Did she have to remind Daenys how much she looked like her?  

Daenys sighed, finally finding the dress she had wanted.  "I can only see her side profile, but I know what I see.  I know it is her."

"Do you not think that who you could be seeing is yourself? "  The oldest Princess finds herself asking.  She watches as Daenys hides behind a curtain to change.

"Myself? "  Daenys repeats, loudly.  Her head pokes out from the curtain, and her expression is one of pure shock.  As if the thought was ridiculous.  As her mouth goes to open once more, Aelora interrupts. 

"The tournament is soon to begin, Princesses,"  she informs.  "We must begin to make haste." 

"What about mother? "  questioned the youngest out of them all. 

Finally, as she walks out from the curtain, Rhaenyra answers.  

"We will see her after, and hopefully our baby sister will be there." 

With a pout, Daenys grumbled a correction.  "Brother." 

As Rhaenyra is about to make a retort, Aelora steps in with a smile, urging them all to go.  Daenys, with a twinkle in her eye, follows them all out.  Until they reach a turn in the hallway where she sprints away to her mothers chambers.  Rhaenyra, with a roll of her eyes, urges their friends to meet them at the tournament, before she chases after her younger sister. 

• • •

"Be welcome! "  The King declared as he rose from his seat.  As he goes to begin his speech, the arrival of his two daughters catches his eye.  Giving them a look, he continues,  "I know many of you have traveled long leagues to be at these games.  But, I promise you that you that you will not be disappointed!  When I look at these fine knights in these lists, I see a group without equal in our histories.  And this great day has been made more auspicious with news I am happy to share;  Queen Aemma has begun her labours! "

The crowd cheered but Daenys, filled with only worry for her mother, clapped quietly.  

"May the luck of the Seven shine upon all combatants!

And to her mother, she thought quietly as the cheers only grew louder and her father returned to his seat. 

And as the tourney began, Aelora was quick to turn to Daenys with gossip.  She was not a fan of the great amount of violence and blood in tourneys, so she often turned to Daenys as a distraction.  And Daenys was always up to the job.  

House of Balloons / Glass, Daemon Targaryenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें