head cannons for your fav bi panic characterrrrr >=I (Cody)

17 2 24


Says he's bisexual

Noco ofc

Mutual friends with Sierra but finds her creepy

Good friends with gwen

Has a very sad music taste like

Melanie Martinez (crybaby dollhouse evil and Mrs potato head are his fav Melanie songs)

Like Jack stauber but has only listened to popular songs like choice baby hotline and coffee,

Likes some stray songs like

young girl a

(rest in peace Ryo Mizoguchi. If you don't wish him a good afterlife we can't be friends.)


bad apple

the mind electric demo 4


boys will be bugs,

He dislikes his parents and fears them, (abusive/neglective proven in total dramarama and tdwt when his parents forget about his birthday,) but adores his grandparents,

Tries to style his hair but fails miserably,

optimistic and trys to see light in everything,

Has scars from trying to pet stray animals,

Falls in love very easily is also flustered very easily,

has a younger sister that ran away,

loves fast food as much as he loves candy,

occasionally does the macarena at three am (who doesnt?)

Threw a chair and it hit Tyler in the head, ended up apologising like 1000 times to Tyler only for him to say "it's alright"

ADHD. Definitely.

Finds out something intresting and runs around the whole island/hotel to tell everybody,

Favourite food is mcnuggets or sushi

Favourite drink is coke or Fanta, despises water.

Favourite candy is those hard sucky strawberry ones

Favourite chocolate is milk but absolute favourite is cookie crumble,

Favourite snack is sour cream pringles

Still sends people memes from a year ago saying "lol look at this rubber chicken" or "peas."

Dreams of going to Korea or Japan because he'd love to try the food

Acts like he's in a youtube video

Louder than those brainrot videos

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