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Seo Jiun's POV

The morning greeted me with a gentle warmth, and I woke up right on time, feeling surprisingly refreshed and upbeat. With a sense of purpose, I went through my morning routine, the familiar tasks bringing comfort amidst the anticipation of the day ahead. As I stood before my wardrobe, deliberating over my outfit, I settled on a brown vest paired with a white long sleeve and beige pants, a combination that exuded a sense of confidence.

Bag slung over my shoulder, I grabbed a quick sip of water, lamenting the lack of time for breakfast. Living alone had its drawbacks, and rushing out the door had become a routine I was all too familiar with. The brisk walk to school offered a chance to clear my head, the cool morning air invigorating as I made my way through the familiar streets.

Arriving at the campus, however, my confidence wavered as I stared at the sea of buildings sprawling before me. Consulting my phone for my class schedule only added to the confusion, the array of buildings blurring together in a dizzying haze. Desperation began to set in as the minutes ticked by, each passing moment bringing me closer to the dreaded class time with no sign of my destination in sight.

Just as panic threatened to consume me, a voice cut through the chaos, offering a glimmer of hope. A boy, seemingly appearing out of nowhere, extended a helping hand without hesitation. His words were a lifeline as he directed me towards the elusive building, his calm demeanor a stark contrast to my frazzled state.

"The Art Department Building is at the back of the Writing Department Building, if you want, you can follow me, i am also heading there"

Following him in a daze, I marveled at his ease in navigating the labyrinthine campus. As we reached our destination, he paused, his gaze meeting mine with a sense of understanding. "Now you're here," he began, his words a beacon of guidance. "Are you a transferred student?"

His question caught me off guard, but I nodded eagerly, grateful for his assistance. He proceeded to provide invaluable instructions, pointing me towards the teacher's office where I would find my homeroom teacher and receive the necessary materials for the day.

Relief flooded over me as I thanked him profusely, my gratitude mingling with a pang of embarrassment as my stomach growled loudly. To my surprise, he chuckled at my discomfort, producing a snack bar from his pocket and offering it to me with a knowing smile.

"You should've eaten breakfast before heading here," he remarked with a hint of amusement. "Classes will end late at this course. Next time, bring a snack bar if you don't have time for breakfast."

His advice was well-intentioned, and I accepted the snack bar with a sheepish grin, feeling a sense of camaraderie with this stranger who had come to my aid in my time of need.

As he bid me farewell and turned to leave, I felt a twinge of regret at the brevity of our encounter. "Thank you," I called out, hoping to convey my appreciation before he disappeared from sight.

However, to my surprise, I realized he had already left, leaving me standing there in a moment of bewildered confusion. "Oh, weird," I muttered to myself, scanning the area in search of his retreating figure.

Shaking off the lingering sense of curiosity, I turned my attention towards the task at hand, making my way to the elevator with a newfound sense of purpose. Little did I know, this encounter with a nameless stranger would mark the beginning of a journey that would change my life in ways I never could have imagined.

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