S.2 ch.12:Unknown past

Start from the beginning

"Stop attacking or I will kill him!"The hunter shouted with his dagger on Blaze's throat and everyone froze in place.

"Good."They said with a wicked grin on their face. "And you,"He pointed at Ice. "Drop your weapon and come with us."

As much as Ice wanted to refused, he listened and did as they said. Grrr Blaze let out a small growl when they chained Ice's hands to restrain his magic.

"Tch, still able to growl I see?"The hunter placed their dagger even closer to his throat, making him bleed a drop of blood, but Blaze didn't quiver and continued to glare at them.

"Stubborn as ever,"The hunter scoffed while slowly moving backwards to a portal with his dagger staying in place.

Everyone glared at them, wanting to do something but knew that they wouldn't be able to do so without any notice that could harm Blaze's life.

"Ciao!"The hunter winked and jumped into the portal before it closed completely.

"Damn it!"Halilintar clenched his sword in frustration. If the portal hadn't completely close then perhaps he could've sprinted his way to their location and attack them before they even notice his presence.

"Can you locate it?"Fang asked to Solar and Taufan who were already working on tracking them.

"Negative."Solar replied and Taufan shook his head aswell.

"What are we gonna do now..?"Thorn asked in a quiet voice with Yaya and Ying beside him, looking just as worried.

"Blaze, Ice.."Boboiboy lowered his head and clenched his fist. If he didn't insisted that they checked the growl then maybe..

As if Gempa could read his mind, he placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder and shook his head. "It wasn't your fault."


"It wasn't your fault."Gempa repeated more firmly. "I think they were already targetting them."

"Huh??"Now Boboiboy was confused. Targetted them? Why? Yes they are half-humans but the hunters couldn't knew about them, can they?

"If they had attacked just to capture any half-human they saw, then they would've caught me too."

"Wait.." It finally clicked in Boboiboy's head too. "You're right.."

"But the question is:Why?"Solar said as he had already listened to their conversation.

"I would've said that they wanted Ice's mermaid scales, but they took Blaze too. In fact, they targetted Blaze first."Ying spoke her thoughts out loud.

"Perhaps they knew about Ice's good sense?"Yaya guessed.

"But how would've they know?"Taufan asked. "All of our training have been within the Delamore's castle. None of us really did something outside that could give them any hints to our ability."

Solar nodded in agreement. "The only person that is known to the outside world is Halilintar."He said without mentioning the blood bath.

"What if they have inside information? They could've been spying on them since they were young?"Fang spectulated.

"I don't think so."Thorn fidgetted with his hands. "I would've known if that was the case.."

Gempa patted his shoulder to comfort and remind him that it was all in the past and he was already forgiven.

"What about before me met them?"Halilintar suddenly spoke.

"Before?"Taufan blinked in confusion.

"That's right! They never told us about their past."Boboiboy pointed out."Ice was also caught by hunters back then."

"But that might be because of himself being a mermaid. Mermaids are rare to see."Solar replied.

"We don't know that do we?"Fang spoke up. "Or have they ever told you anything about how or why Ice got caught?"

The childhood friends looked at each other before shaking their head. "Not once."Solar confirmed.

"Then perhaps there's something your friends is hiding from you."Fang voiced their thoughts.

Blaze was talkactive, but not once did they hear anything from his past until a few days ago. And Ice, despite being more open and interacted more with them also kept a lot of things to himself.

Did they really hide something from them?

If yes.. why?

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed ^^

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