The Infinity Stones

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"Let us begin

"Now, we have an Infinity Stone on Earth, the Mind Stone. Most of us have had contact with a stone. But Thor said that you might have more knowledge about the stones." Steve begins.

I look at Thor briefly.

"Yes. I grew up with the stones. My powers and I are connected to them in a way. Olympia was once the protector and keeper of all the Infinity Stones. My parents kept the stones safe here in the palace. Until Thanos."

Thor looks down.

"What do you mean?" Steve asked.

"When I was 13 years old, Thanos attacked Olympia to steal the Infinity Stones. Many people have tried before him. But every one of them failed. But Thanos. Thanos almost got them. I was playing with my brother when my mother stormed in and told us to hide. There was a safe room in the palace that even Thanos could not get through. And since I was the future Queen, my safety was a top priority. When we reached the room, my mother told us not to go outside. But the room was not soundproof. We could hear the screaming, the crying. The killing. Stupidly, I did not listen to my mother and went out to try to help. I was quite strong at that age. I left my brother in the room and went to find my parents. I entered the hall where the stones were kept. I saw my dad and Thanos fighting. While they were fighting, my mother cast some kind of spell that made the stones disappear. When she turned around, she saw me hiding. Looking surprised, she put her finger to her mouth and told me to be quiet. Seconds later, Thanos killed them both."

"Wow, I'm sorry. Seeing your parents killed at such a young age must have been hard." Natasha says with a pitiful look on her face.

I do not need pity.

"It's what fate wanted." I say.

"What kind of spell did your mother cast?" Tony asks, breaking the silence.

"She scattered the stones across the universe so that Thanos could never find them. Or anyone. But I guess my mom didn't hide them well enough."

"So what can you tell us about the stones?" Bruce asks.

"The six infinity stones. Space, Reality, Power, Time, Soul and Mind. The six singularities existed before the creation of the universe. The Space Stone gives the user power over space. Anyone holding the Space Stone can create a portal from one part of the universe to another. The Reality Stone gives its owner the power to manipulate matter. The Power Stone gives its owner a great deal of energy - the kind of energy that could be used to destroy an entire planet. The Time Stone gives its owner the power to rewind or fast-forward time. The Soul Stone allows its owner to capture and control the souls of others. And last but not least, the Mind Stone allows the user to control the minds of others."

"Wow," Bruce expresses.

"Athena, with you and your armies, we could defeat Thanos. Please, you must help us." Thor pleads.

"The Infinity Stones and Thanos are not Olympia's concern. We will not risk our soldiers for you!" Ion interrupts.

I can feel his anger. I understand his point.

"Thanos is not only our problem. If he gets all six stones, he will wipe out half the universe. Including your precious planet. It's not about us, every living thing in this universe is in danger!" Tony says to Ion.

Ion scoffs.

"Leave us alone." I tell my brother and Ion without looking at them.

"But, Your Majesty, your late parents hid the stones so that you and our people would not be hurt anymore. We cannot interfere."

"Ion! I will call you when I need you." I say, more seriously this time.

"Yes, Your Majesty," he says before he starts to leave.

"You too, Ares." I say to my brother who still has not moved.

"Sister." he says as he leaves.

"You put me in a difficult position Thor, you know that."

"I apologize, but Tony is right."

"Do you know where Thanos is now? Or where he is going next?" I ask.

"Not really. But we do know that he will come for us on Earth. He will come for the Mind Stone." Steve answers.

I think for a minute. It is my duty to protect the stones, even if they are not here. And my planet and our people.

"Okay, listen, I will come with you and help you on Earth. But I will not bring any soldiers or 

troops to Earth to this fight. I cannot do that."

"Thank you, Athena." Thor says appreciatively.

"It is settled then. I am coming to Earth." I announce as I stand up.

Athena - Queen of OlympiaWhere stories live. Discover now