IV || His Return

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TAKEMICHI and his friends, the mizo mid crew, were all sitting in Takuya's room. So quiet, no one talked a single word

Takemichi then noticed a puzzle on the table, as he turned to all his friends to ask about it. " You guys finished this puzzle? " They all shook their heads, as Takemichi titled his head to the side

" Eh? Then who? "

" You? "

" Hah? " Takemichi was a bit suprised when they said that, he hadn't gone out from his cell for 2 years now, so, how could he possibly finish the puzzle?

" Didn't you remember? Shinichiro - kun bought a gift for you and your siblings, though he didn't knew what you like so he bought u a puzzle. And hell, you've been going crazy about it all the time " Takuya explained everything in full detail, it is true that Takemichi went crazy about the puzzle, but firstly, why is it in Takuya's house and secondly, how was he the last person who solved it?

" But, wasn't I in jail for 2 years? How is it still in shape and was solved by me? "

" It's because no one had ever touch it since you left " The words coming out from Atsushi's lips shocked Takemichi, no one had ever touched it at all?

" Not only that, your room, your things, clothes, old toys, no one touched it " Yamaguchi was next, to shocked Takemichi

" E- Eh, why's that? " Takemichi asked, he wondered if his things was so precious that no one dared to touch it. Even knew he was the sharing kind of person

" After you left, Mikey had been getting angry, he let out his anger to either us or Emma. He also told everyone not to touch your things, not until you returned " Makoto explained loud and clear, as Takuya continued his explaination

" Since Mikey noticed you really like this puzzle, he told us to take care of it. And bring it anywhere we go, it's like this puzzle hold onto our lives " Takuya explained more about it, as Takemichi lend his ears to hear more and more about it


The sound of footsteps was clear to Takemichi, as he knows that someone is coming towards their way, Takuya's room.

Takemichi quickly stood up, making his friends confused. As he suddenly hide himself in the closet, Atsushi walk towards the closet to asked what's wrong, when the door of Takuya's room suddenly swing open

Revealing a muscular teenage, who seems tall for someone around his age. His head is shaven on the side and back to expose his signature dragon tattoo on his left temple

" D- Draken?! " Everyone in the room, except Takemichi and Draken shouted, a bit suprised by the sudden entrance of the male who is known to be Draken

" W- What are you doing here? " Makoto asked, as all the mizo mid crew stood up while looking at Draken. Although, Atsushi was the only one who is standing infront of the closet, his eyes were glancing back and forth from the closet to Draken

" It's a bit hot right now. I bought a watermelon here as a gift, lets eat! " Draken said, as the others nodded. Yamaguchi took the watermelon, as he and Takuya went downstairs to slice the watermelon into pieces

Now, only Draken, Atsushi and Makoto was left in the room. Well, lets not forget a certain someone who is hiding well in the closet

' Draken? As in, 'ken - chin' ? The one both mikey and keisuke always mentioned? ' Takemichi thought, as he watches the three sit down with each other and open up a conversation too. Ofcourse, Takemichi hiding himself makes him no use on sitting still, so he eavesdrop on the conversation the three are having

" So uh . . Draken? "

" Hm? "

" We heard that . . . You and mikey are fighting? " Atsushi asked. Hearing his older brother's name being mentioned, Takemichi quickly focused on their conversation using his clear ears. " Yeah? " Draken replied, almost like a question. Although, his reply made the others shocked

" W- wait! You really are fighting with him?! " Makoto was the one who suddenly asked, as he slammed his hand on the small table. Draken nodded, as he tilted his head to the side with a questioning face. " Did you think we were joking? " Draken asked, as both Atsushi and Makoto swallowed their saliva, maybe Draken doesn't know but, there's a certain someone in the room that if they heard Mikey being mentioned, he would had his ears focused on the person who mentioned him

" Tch, that bastard. He was the reason Toman is splitting into half! "

' DON'T CALL HIM A BASTARDDD?!?! ' Both Atsushi and Makoto screamed inside of their heart, as they are afraid the house might explode. " Wait . . Did you just said . . Toman splitted?! " Yamaguchi, who came in just when he heard them talked about Toman shouted, was too shock about the rumors that appeared to be true

Draken took a slice of watermelon from the plate of sliced watermelon, as he eat one of the slice. Then he looked at all the mizo mid crew

" Yes, Toman . . . IS NO MORE! " Draken exclaimed, as the mizo mid crew sweatdropped. Looks like the fight is more serious then they thought

Suddenly, someone else appeared infront of Takuya's room, as everyone turned to the person that made their eyes widen

Even Takemichi, who is hiding in the closet could see the person, which his tears started assembling in his eyes. Takemichi could see the person by opening the door of the closet a bit, as he looked straight at the newcomer

" Hah? "

" Hah. "


⏤ MIKEY?! "

" Mikey . . . " Takemichi whispered underneath his breath, as his tears flowed down from his eyes

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