I || Daily Morning Routine

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THE clock soon hit 6 A.M sharp, as it rang continuosly none stop. A ravennatte soon turned the clock off as he groaned silently

" 5 more minutes . . . "

After a second, it was silent . . When the ravennatte suddenly sit up quickly looking all stressed out. " No! " He shouted, before he came to his senses and yawned as he blinked his eyes a few times

' Better not do that . . Or I'll be late again like yesterday ' The ravennatte thought as he stood up and rub his belly while still yawning

Getting up and head straight towards the bathroom, as he brushes his teeth and start his day

After finish getting ready, he went down the hall and into the kitchen, as he checked the refrigerator to find the egg. And to him, no luck, as he sighed and took a frozen bacon instead

' Looks like just bacon today, I guess . . ' The ravennatte thought as he took a bowl of water and put the frozen bacon in the bowl, to make it unfrozen

While waiting for that, he took the sausages too and did the same like the bacon. After that, he begin to make an orange juice for morning drink

As he looked for the oranges, he noticed how only a few were left. Around two oranges, not enough to make it taste delicious but he just shrugged it off and took the oranges and begin making the juice

After finish making the juice, he went to the bacon and sausages and noticed that they are now unfrozen. Ready to cook it, he took the pan and placed it on the kitchen, as he cooked the bacon and sausages on it

He turned to the clock, to see that it was already 6:45 A.M, as he looked at the dining room. " No one's up yet . . " He mumbled as he poke his head out of the kitchen and called out for someone, or everyone I might say

" Manjiro, Emma, Shinichiro! It's 6:45 now! Wake up and start the day! " There weren't any replies from them as the ravennatte stared at the empty hall, as he sighed

He went back in the kitchen, as he noticed a little animal entered the kitchen through the door as it yawned softly. " You're back, fatty " The ravennatte said, refering fatty to the cat that is a bit fat though everyone finds it cute

The ravennnatte petted the cat softly before he looked at the cat. " Go wake thoose three up, please? I'll give you extra if you do " The ravennatte said, and received a 'nya' sound from the cat before the cat head towards each of the said people's room

The ravennatte placed the dishes on the table, before he heard a loud scream from the hall. Looking from behind, there stood two boys and one girl

The girl and the smaller boy looking all tired with their long hair all messed up. While the taller boy was holding fatty and showed an annoyed face

" MICHI! I SAID DON'T LET FATTY SCRATCH OUR DOORS! " The taller boy said, as fatty only yawned while being held up by him. " Fatty's sound of scratching is hella scary " The girl said, as she rubbed her tired eyes

While the shorter male only walked sleepingly towards the ravennatte, who seems to be known as Takemichi. As the shorter male already infront of Takemichi, he hugged Takemichi softly as he was still sleepy

" Mitchy so fluffly " The male sais as he ruffles Takemichi's hair, feeling the soft fluffly hair thay everyone admires. Takemichi only chuckled at his older brother's actions towards him, as he smiled softly

" Go get yourself ready, all of you. And you, Shinichiro, don't you have work at the bike shop? " Takemichi said as Shinichiro, his older brother yawned loudly while putting fatty down

" Can't I have a day off today? " Emma, Takemichi's step sister said. Although they are the same age, Takemichi was born with the same parents as both Manjiro and Shinichiro, not like Emma who was born with the three's father but with another woman

Emma was born in November, while Takemichi was born in June. A lot of people might said that they are twins because of them being the same age, although they are in a step siblings relationship

" But Emma . . You promised to go to school today " Takemichi said, as he walks towards Emma. Manjiro was still hugging him while Takemichi was walking, Takemichi then patted Emma's head before he smiled

" I promise we'll go to the mall after school " Takemichi said, making Emma suddenly stood up straight and smiled widely. " Really?! "

" Yes, now go get ready for school " Emma quickly ran to her room to get ready, as Shinichiro had already left to get ready too. Leaving Manjiro left who wasn't getting ready just yet

" Manji⏤ " Before Takemichi could continued, Manjiro bite Takemichi's hand as Takemichi only showed a soft smile, already gotten used to this version of Manjiro. " You promised to come to my gang meeting! " Manjiro said, as Takemichi sighed in defeat before he turned to Manjiro

" But Manjiro, your gang is still small. There's only you and a few others, didn't I said that I'll come once you're gang is getting bigger? " Takemichi said as Manjiro showed a pout, so not agreed with Takemichi's words

A few months back, Manjiro created a gang called Tokyo Manjiro Gang. But Takemichi said it sounded weird and said to called it Tokyo Manji Gang, short form is Toman. And what ever Takemichi says, Manjiro followed

Though Takemichi still haven't knew who were the people that founded the gang. Manjiro said that Takemichi found it too, even knew Takemichi wasn't there to witnessed it

But since Takemichi helped them, Manjiro just called him a founder too

You might be wondering, what did Takemichi do to help them other then the name? Well . . .

A Few Months Ago ,

Takemichi could be seen walking down the streets with a plastic of groceries. He recently finished buying groceries for the week, and is having a short walk

As he was walking, he noticed a familiar long black haired male could be seen walking while pushing a bike

" Keisuke - kun? " Takemichi wondered, as he came closer, a group of boys suddenly trapped Baji in a circle. All alone as Takemichi witnessed the scene

Since Takemichi was a bit far, he had to jog to them. Just as he came there, Manjiro appeared and saved Baji, but since he was too distracted trying to be a hero for Baji, he didn't noticed a fist was going to land on him

" Mikey! Watch out! " Baji yelled, making Manjiro turned and saw the fist heading right towards him. The movement was fast, Manjiro couldn't processed anything

That's when the man suddenly flew to the side before he could even lay a hand on Manjiro. " BOSS! " One of the boys shouted as he head to his leaders that seems to be unconcious by the sudden kick

Both Baji and Manjiro turned shocked, as they looked at their saviour and was even more shocked

" Yo, need a hand, Manjiro? "

Present ,

And that, is how Takemichi was claimed to be the founder too. And just like I said before, Takemichi didn't knew the other founders except Baji and Manjiro, not that he expected too much of it

Ever since the gang was founded, it had been roaming around Shibuya, finding more and more members. Manjiro however, wished for his younger brother, Takemichi to come to their meeting

Unfortunely, Takemichi never even came to their meeting. Saying that Manjiro had to make more people join him, then he'll come

" Now stop whining and get ready, gramps must be waiting by now. I have to go to school with Emma later on " Takemichi said, as he pinched Manjiro's cheeks and chuckled when Manjiro tried to whined even more

Manjiro then left to get ready, as Takemichi poured the juice in each glasses for the others

" Alright, all done . . Time to get myself ready " Takemichi mumbled as he took off his apron and went to his room to get himself ready for school

BROTHERLY BOTHER  /  Takemichi Sano.Where stories live. Discover now