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' what are you doing Charles '

Charles jumped out of his seat, hiding his phone. Looking up he saw Max, Daniel and Lando standing there. All looking at him as he nervously laughed it off.

He scratched the back of his head. ' you scared me '

Max looked at the monegasque with a questioning look. ' what are you hiding Charles '

' nothing ' he quickly replied.

Carlos who'd sat beside the monegasque laughed. ' he's talking with his newest girlfriend '

Charles turned to Carlos, giving him a look while he punched his arm. ' who might that be ' Max smirked, sitting in front of the two Ferrari drivers.

Charles sighed. ' no one, Carlos is delusional '

' hm ' Max hummed, leaning back in his chair. ' is it some friend of Charlotte, you know since you like that friendgroup '

Charles rolled his eyes. ' no it isn't '

Max's eyes lit up, jumping up to sit more comfortably in his chair. ' so it is a new girl '

' fucking hell ' Charles mumbled. He'd fallen for it, AGAIN. ' fine yes it is ' he admitted, hesitating a bit ' kinda ' he added after a minute.

' kinda?? ' Max had an even more confused frown on his face.

Charles laughed nervously. ' well I kinda lied to her about who I was '

Carlos gasped, turning to Charles. ' I didn't expect that '

Charles rolled his eyes at Carlos who put his phone away and now was very invested. ' wait so she didn't know who you were? ' Max looked at his childhood friend.

Charles nodded. ' no and it was a miracle seeing how she is Italian and from Maranello '

' wait a second ' Max straightened up. ' she's from Maranello but doesn't know THE Charles Leclerc? Like the golden boy of Ferrari ' max turned to an offended looking Carlos. ' no offense Carlos '

' none taken ' Carlos replied in an nonchalant manner.

Charles questioned in his head why he was friends with them for a moment. ' she said that she moved from Italy to Paris in 2018 so before I joined Ferrari and she hadn't been home since that and she doesn't seem that invested in Motorsport '

' well that makes a little more sense '

' well we have to go, the drivers parade is starting soon ' Carlos mentioned.

Charles just sighed as he stood up, his two friends following his lead. All of them walking out to the truck. Max and Carlos busy gossiping about Charles and the mystery woman, Charles just listened to what they said not bothering to answer any of their questions about her.

See this was why he never told them about stuff like this.

They always gossiped about his life.

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Francesca had been spending most of her week either texting Christian who still was in Australia but making his way to Italy tomorrow apparently. He'd sent a lot of pictures of Australia and Francesca had to admit it seemed like a fairytale to be there, they'd also FaceTimed a lot at night which was oddly the thing she looked forward to the most during the day. But if she hadn't been texting Christian then she'd been working or with Emmy and sometimes their friend Alexandra had joined the two. They'd all gone out for dinner which was also nice.

' I am so in the mood for ice cream ' Emmy complained.

Francesca turned to look at Emmy who was lying down on their table. ' They are preparing your ice cream Emmy, chill '

White Ferrari - Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now