Chapter 2 - Conflicting Café

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She looked like she was about to cry, "haha... I feel so dumb." she quietly said while smiling, trying to hide her sadness. 'Fucking assholes' I walked over to the table and looked over to the guy that was still laughing at his insult, "What? You going to do something?" The man said while standing up. "Do something." He said while shoving me. 'What a... fucking loser.' I thought as I clenched my fist.


POV ☼DogDay☼

Holy... shit. Catnap just punched the shit out of him, I stared in shock as to what just happened. The man laid on the floor and slowly got back up, "Y-You think your tough? You piece of shit," the man stuttered. Catnap then grabbed the man by his shirt and lifted him up, he then threw him onto the table and broke it right in half. 'HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FUCK.' The man laid on the floor unconscious. "DOGDAY!" my manager had screamed from behind me, "WHAT HAPPENED." he yelled. "I-I uh... I d-don't... know." I stuttered scared of my manager but also scared of Catnap. What do I do? If I tell my manager Catnap would definitely kill me! If I didn't say anything my manager would fire me! "Wait a second... YOU! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" My manager screamed while pointing at Catnap.

Catnap smirked and waved to him, "I uh." I tried to talk but was stopped by my manager. "It's ok Dogday I know what happened here. This STUPID CAT is causing trouble again, did he hurt you?" the manager asked, "W-What? No? Wait Catnap have you been here before." I asked while turning to him. He then took out his phone and typed "I may have also fought someone here a few months ago." he continued typing and said "I get in a lot of fights..." Catnap showed me the phone while looking away in embarrassment.

"I want you out of here now, you are forever banned from this place. Never come back. Leave now or I WILL call the police." my manager yelled at him. Catnap got visbly mad and clenched his fist, he looked like he was going to punch my manager. Wait... IS HE GOING TO PUNCH MY MANANGER?!?! He took 2 steps forward but then looked at me, he sighed and relaxed his fist. "Meow..." Catnap meowed in an annoyed voice. He then turned around and left. What... just... happened. DID HE JUST SPEAK? WELL IT WASN'T LIKE SPEAKING IT WAS MORE LIKE MEOWING BUT STILL. I DIDNT KNOW HE COULD DO THAT? THAT'S SO CU- COOL... COOL!

My manager then sighed and walked over to the table, "Stupid runt." he mumbled to himself while picking up the sleeping guy that Catnap knocked out. I looked over to Kicken and Bubba and I saw them still with a shocked face, "Sorry about that I will get you guys new drinks." I said while running away. I went to the back of the staff room and started making new drinks. After a while I came back out and went to their table. "Here you guys go." I said with a sad expression, "You good bro?" Kicken asked with a worried face. "Yeah just a little tired..." I said while forcing my smile, "Well here take this." Kicken said while passing me a piece of paper. "What is it?" I asked while putting it in my pocket.

"It's Catnap's number, he doesn't talk to a lot of people so he will probably answer immediately. I see you are still worried about him, go text him after your shift if you want." Kicken said with a reassuring face. "Thank you." I said while going to the back to make more drinks for the customers. 

-Time skip to after her shift-

I started walking home as my shift ended, jeez it's so dark outside. My manager made me stay later to clean up. After a while I finally got home and opened the door, I saw my dad sleeping on the couch with the tv on. I smiled and quietly closed the door and locked it. I then tip-toed up stairs to my room and I went inside. Finally I'm home, I thought as I fell onto my bed. I let out a giant exhausted sigh and I sat up. Hmm I should probably study for tomorrows test. I got up and sat at my table, I then reached into my pocket for my phone and a paper slipped out. Huh? What is this? I opened the paper to see a phone number on it with Catnap's name under it. 

Oh right! I forgot about that. Hmm... I should probably text him. I took out my phone and typed in the numbers, I thought about calling him but he can't talk so I guess that would be a bad idea. After a little bit of mental preparation I texted him.

Dogday: Hello?

4 Minutes go by

Catnap: Hi.

Who is this?

Dogday: Hi! It's Dogday! Kicken gave me your number, I hope that wasn't a problem?

Catnap: It's ok. What do you want.

Dogday: I just wanted to apologize for today. It was my fault and now your banned from the cafe. I'm so sorry.

Catnap: It's fine... but thank you.

Dogday: No! Thank you! You stood up for me, I'm very thankful for that.

Catnap: No problem.

Dogday: Wow your personality doesn't change, even through text?

Catnap: ...


Catnap: Stupid dog.

Dogday: oh

Catnap: Sorry... I'm not good at showing emotions but I also like your personality even though it is sometimes annoying.


Catnap: Whatever

Also it's getting late so I'm going to sleep.

Dogday: Ok! Goodnight Catnap!

2 minutes go by (catnap was too nervous to say goodnight back)

Catnap: night

1832 words


helloooo I'm backkk. I know I said I wouldn't be gone again but it's so hard😭

Im so sorry for leaving u guys without a chapter for so long😔 but anyways we back and also I js wanted to say that it's been harder to do chapters everyday so I'll js be doing chapters whenever I can. (I will be free most of the time though) 

Also this reset will make the book slow slowwwww. So nothing abt catnap and Dogday will happy for a long long longgggg time. Or maybe it'll happen in the next chapter? Who knows (I know) anyways tell me if u guys have any suggestions and yup that's abt it.


anyways 12:13 am 

bye byes

Rises the MoonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora