Ch.3 - Suspicious?

Start from the beginning

  "Areeeeeee youuuuuu aaaaa doppeeeelgangeeeeer?" I hummed loudly with elongated words. It's enough to confuse him and chuckles.

  "Of course I'm not silly." He said replies convincingly, matching my pace. I feel like he's playing with me at this point, which adds up to my frustration.

  "Mmmm.." I hummed. His gaze can be felt on me, but I ignore it. But the ignorance goes away the moment I remembered back to my secret admirer. The letter.

  I have the feel it's him as I recall the milk crate, knowing he's the milkman afterall. With raised suspicioun, I give him a rude look, causing him to frown and scrunch his face.

  "Mmm.. What? Why are you looking at me like that?" He asks confusingly.

  "Oh nothing, just.." I slowly look away from him. He was taken aback by my rudeness as he lets out a low grunt.

  "I'm not a doppelgänger I told you." He convinces harshly this time. It's not that I deny he's not a doppelganger, I'm just overlooking his demeanor, and anything abnormal with it. Any sign of slight change in it will hint me to the truth.

  "Just go." I press the button for him and stare at him, waiting for him to leave. He stayed there for a second to give me a look and scoff. Then another second, and he's gone. The door closes with a short buzzer noise and I sigh.

   On my way back to my apartment, the lights buzz faintly and the air lingers with coldness. Clacks of my footsteps echoes through the corridor and others in range. The ambient noise is mixed in with my soft humming to a tune, bringing a hint of comfort at the sound of it.

  Just as I expected, another letter is on the door as I reach my apartment. I peel it off the door with a grunt and enter my apartment, only for my feet to collide with the milk crate again.

  "Fuck!" I yelp out and growled frustratingly, forgetting that I placed it in front of the door and slammed it shut, causing a loud bang to echo throughout the corridor outside. It might have startled a few neighbors but I'm careless to think about it. The bottles shutters slightly as I lift it up to move it into the kitchen. It thumps softly onto the ground, placing it against the counter.

  I slap the envelope on it and fell back on the chair, and fell back on the chair, slumping back against the handle as I'm now sitting in a weird position. My eyes revert to an empty space on the ground, contemplating my life in this very moment. It's pathetic. Whoever this anonymous is just kidnap me already.

  Though I pause myself from my thinking to think back at Francis. Like I pointed out during that time, suspicioun grows once more.

  But maybe they sent the crate with his help. My face lights up with relief as it might aswell be the case. It contorts into a look of pain as my back begins to feel sore, so I fix my position to ease it. Holding the envelope in my hand, I take the letter out.

Dear (y/n)

  The gift isn't much but it's all I have. I'm thankful for the help if it arrived safely. Setting that aside, you know how much I'm fond of you and I kinda wanna put this a step further, but you wont like that, wont you? I want you to feel comfortable with me then I already am.
  I really do like you, (y/n), but I'm afraid our connection might be forbidden.


  My brows furrow, yet my prediction stands correct. Although, hearing 'forbidden' when this invisible connection is mentioned perked my interest and confusion. How is something special be so forbidden? I ought to find answers in every way I could, but this one lingers at the end of my mind

  The real question is: Who are you, and how do you know me?

  The voice in my head echoes loudly, the other thoughts ceasing itself, dominating my mind with paranoia.

  Ever since the first letter came into play, I thought it was just my ex-neighbors back downtown. But now, the things they said to me made me sure that it's not any of my ex-neighbors. It's a person of no identity. An anonymous. It's the definition of it.

  I feel some sort of tightness in my chest and I rubbed the area to ease it but to no avail. Maybe I need a break.

  It's late anyways so sleep is first priority. Or is it hygeine?

  I change and took care of myself before tucking into bed.

  The silence defeans my ears. The whirls of the fan spinning causes my ears to ring before fading. My mind spiraling into an abyss of questions as it consumes me, strangling me from taking in a breath of ease. My desperateness for it made me restless and I can't help but repeat the question glued to my mind once agaib:

  Who are you, and how do you know me?


[Words: 1559]

~Sincerely, Your Neighbor 💌 [Milkman x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now