04. The Next Day - Prologue P4

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He sat for a few minutes, mulling over the unsettling dream. With a sigh, he resolved to push it aside for the time being. Glancing at his phone, he noticed it was only 11 PM. "Guess I fell asleep pretty early, huh? Should've known it wouldn't be that easy," he muttered wryly. Feeling too unsettled to return to bed just yet, he opted to take a shower instead, hoping to shake off the lingering unease from the nightmare. Moments later, Sora stood before the mirror, ready to cleanse away the residue of the day. With a deliberate motion, he reached up and lifted the patch that concealed his left eye. His reflection stared back at him, revealing a small scar tracing a path across his skin. But it was the color of his pupil that held his attention: a muted gray, devoid of the vibrancy that marked his right eye.

Sora's gaze lingered on the sight, his mind drifting back to the nightmare that had plagued his sleep. "It's been a while since I've had a dream like that," he murmured to his reflection. His thoughts churned with a familiar sense of resignation. "Perhaps fate really wants me to stick to the past and never move on... I don't deserve moving on... I never will.. Never."With a heavy sigh, Sora lowered the patch back into place, concealing his gaze once more.

After a minute of contemplation, Sora shook himself from his pondering and stepped into the shower. Ten minutes later, refreshed and dressed, he returned to his room. Despite not feeling ready to go back to bed, he decided to lie down and play some Dragon Ball Legends on his phone. While playing, something crossed his mind again. "Hm... what was it?" he thought. Then it hit him: Tetsu. She was the first to notice him playing the game on his phone back at school. "..Not that I care," he thought, shrugging it off.

An hour passed, and Sora eventually fell asleep again, feeling tired once more.

The next day arrived, and the scene shifted to Tetsu waking up from her comfortable sleep, her hair in disarray and her eyes droopy. "Yawn... nice sleep, I'm still kinda sleepy though... what time is it?" She checked her phone, noticing it was 6:49 AM. "I'm gonna sleep a bit more and wake up at 6:90... ehehe," she mumbled. School was supposed to start at 7:15 AM, but Tetsu's half-awake mind was notoriously unreliable. She convinced herself she had more time to sleep until "6:90 AM."

Just as she was about to drift back to sleep, her dad slammed the door open and shouted, "TETSU!! IT'S 6:50!" Tetsu jumped in surprise at the noise, blurting out, "GAHH!!! WHAT THE HECK, DAD?!! DON'T SCREAM LIKE THAT!!" Her dad replied sternly, "Just go prepare yourself for school already! You're gonna be late!!"

Tetsu groaned and replied, "Come on, Dad, I still have like half an hour worth of sleep. I'll wake up at 6:85, then I promi-" Her dad interrupted, "IDIOT!! WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS SO DAMN STUPID EVERY TIME YOU WAKE UP?! YOU'VE GOT 25 MINUTES BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS!!" Tetsu, still not fully awake, got confused. "Huh?? But I still got 50 more minutes till 7 am!" she replied. Her dad facepalmed. He was the father of one of the most scatterbrained girls to ever exist. Instead of explaining that an hour is only 60 minutes, he tried a different approach. "*Sigh*... Prepare yourself for school now, and we'll have meatloafs for dinne-" Before he could finish his sentence, the word "meatloaf" triggered something inside Tetsu, as it was her favorite food. Her dad felt a strong wind pass him from every direction, as if something extremely fast had just zipped by. When he turned around, he noticed Tetsu was already fully prepared for school, with tidy hair, her usual oversized pink hoodie, her bag, and she was also munching on her breakfast sandwich.

She swallowed the whole sandwich like a cartoon character and spoke. "Meatloaf? Promise?" she asked with child-like sparkle in her eyes. Her dad sighed and simply nodded. Tetsu playfully chuckled, thrilled at the prospect of meatloaf for dinner. She jumped onto her dad, planting a kiss on his cheek, and then dashed downstairs and out of the house, shouting, "LOVE YOUUUUU!!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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