Chapter 1: Cruel

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The feels caught him first.

He felt the sting of sweat in his eyes. His muscles clenching up. The white-hot rage coursing through his mind, obscuring everything else.

Then came the sounds.

He heard a terrifying yell. It sounded like his own voice. Her screams, as loud as his own yell, yet he couldn't make out anything. His heart was pounding so loudly that it was drowning everything out.

Then the images forced themselves into his mind.

He saw his white knuckles gripping a pistol. Her face, already drenched in tears, morphed into an expression of horror. She started backing away. He saw his finger pull the trigger. She was on the ground.

He barely registered that the bullet only just missed its target, shattering the window behind, showering her in glass shards.

The recoil of the weapon sent a shockwave into his mind. The blinding rage dissipated as quickly as it formed, leaving behind an empty void. He lost his grip on the pistol, and it clattered on the ground. It had never been so difficult to breathe. He took a shaky step towards her.

She lunged for the gun. Before he could react, she fired at him.

Haein lifted his shorts slightly to reveal the gunshot scar on his thigh. He clenched a shivering fist and hastily wiped away tears that he didn't even realise that he had shed. His teeth hurt from gritting them too hard.

It's been six years, why now?

so far away (a haesoo fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now