A Daughter for Distinguished Pagan Duke

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Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR, Duke of York Territory of Star Base 12 got the biggest surprise of his life on March of 2276 when his second wife, and Duchess, Lady Sarah walks into the living room at York Estate and Manor and she looks at Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR, and she tells him " I have news for you, my dear Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR. We are going to have a baby."

Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR, Duke of York and former Duke of Norfolk Territory is now 67 years old, but he marries his third cousin twice removed, , Lady Sarah Spencer-Churchill, and she is 25 years old, and he looks at her " What? I am going to be a father at 67 years old?"

"Lord David William Beck, your grandnephew told me and he is what to me?" Lady Sarah asks.

"He is your third cousin once removed, as his mother is your third cousin twice removed, and I am your cousin three times removed, and my brother is your third cousin three times removed." Lord Charles Andrew JR tells her.

"When is our child due?" Lord Charles Andrew JR asks.

"Our child is due in October of 2276 along with Lady Paulina who is due in June of 2276, Lady Millicent who is due in August of 2276, Lady Susan who is due in September of 2276 and Lady Karissa is due in October of 2276 too." Lady Sarah tells her husband.

"I wonder if my sons will give me my first male line grandson this time. I don't mean by anything as I love my golden hair heiress very much and I wouldn't trade her for anything." Lord Charles Andrew JR states.

"You better not let Lady Karissa hear that." Lady Sarah warns " She made the supreme sacrifice of marrying your youngest son."

"I am wondering what we will name this child if it is a son or if it is a daughter?" Lady Sarah asks

Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR looks at his Duchess " Let 's make a compromise. You name our child if it is a son and I will name our child if it's a daughter as I promised my old miserable father I would name a child after my old miserable grandfather." Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR states " This way I will have kept my promise to the old bag of bones."

"My father was Lord John Albert Spencer-Churchill, so we will name him Lord John Albert Howard, and I am sure my father, who is also your cousin, will be happy." Lady Sarah tells him.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR, Duke of York Territory delivers the news to his sons, nephew, grandnephew, and daughters on Star Base 10 that Lady Sarah and he are expecting their only child together and they are delighted.

Naturally, Lord Charles Andrew Howard The Third is the prodigal son and when he hears the news of his father having a child at his age he tells his father " I will not accept this child as my sibling."

Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR tells his oldest son by his first Duchess "Listen Lord Charles Andrew Howard The Third. My damn miserable father tried to run my life and I married who he wished in 2228 and you are the result of my unhappy marriage to your mother, but we muddled through with it. I gave you the name of your grandfather who gave me his name as well."

"I am happy at last and I can't make you love or accept your new sister or brother. I can promise you this. I will write you out of my Last Will and Testament if you don't accept your new brother or sister." Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR threatens.

"You are just having your first child in August and I am ahead of you in this game and furthermore, so is your youngest brother by the way. Why do you think he is Duke of Norfolk Territory rather than you? Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR asks his oldest son.

"My damn youngest brother has always been ambitious and my damn younger sister, Lady Charlotte Augusta told him one day he would be Duke of Norfolk Territory." Lord Charles Andrew Howard The Third tells his father.

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