Theadora the OVERSHARER

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Bursting through the common room door, I noticed Pansy, Blaise and Theo talking on some sofas near the fireplace. And Draco, sitting with his back to me. 

I took a moment to look around the room. My new friends were sitting on the left of the room, opposite a gigantic window on the right that looked out onto the Great Lake and the Giant Squid inside. Around the common room were various tables and chairs, the only light coming from candles and the fire.

The common room was empty except for the four people gathered on the sofa and armchairs. As I neared the group, I caught onto what Draco was talking about.

"...and then from a couple of corridors away I heard her shout-" 

Theo interrupted Draco, "Err, mate..." Slowly, Draco turned around in the armchair.

I smiled down at him. "No, please don't stop on my account. What did she shout?" I asked innocently.

Draco blinked a couple of times, regaining himself. "Errr... You shouted that when you would next see me... You would kill me..." He offered a weak smile, clearly scared of what was going to happen next. 

With a sadistic smile on my face, I said, "Well, you better run then!"

Scrambling from the chair, Draco raced across the room to a staircase that must lead to the boy's dormitories. 

Laughing, I moved round the chair, sitting down in the space he vacated.

By the staircase, Draco turned to see where I'd gone. Huffing, he made his way back to the group when he realised I wasn't going to chase him. 

I sighed. "Oh Draco, what a shame! It looks like there are no more seats. I've heard Theo's lap is quite comfy if you want to give that a go?" I gave him an innocent smile.

Laughing, Theo spoke up. "I'm afraid to tell you that my laps reserved for chicks only. I'd be happy to let you on it, Dora..." He smirked. 

Sighing, Draco spoke up again. "I guess there is only one thing to do..." Without hesitation he moved towards me, grabbed my ankles and pulled me off the chair with one strong tug. 

I groaned in pain when my ass hit the floor. Ignoring me, Draco swiftly moved in behind, taking his original place in the seat. "Bet my lap is looking pretty great now!" Theo joked down at me.  

"Well..." I smiled at him while I stood up, moving towards where he sat on the sofa, next to Blaise. His faced turned, resembling a child that had gotten their way. I leaned down so we were eye level.

"I'll be taking that!" I put my hand between his leg and the chair, retrieving the flask I had seen him hide there. 

Taking the flask with me, I moved to Pansy's armchair, taking a seat across her lap. "Want some?" I offered her the flask, momentarily looking back towards Theo who pouted like a hurt puppy. 

Pansy took the drink from me, unscrewed it and swallowed a gulp. "Thanks." She whispered to me. "I had been working up the courage to ask him for it." She blushed at the thought of Theo.

I raised my eyebrow at her. "Theo? Really?" 

Pansy looked down. "Don't judge!" She said, obviously embarrassed.

"Never!" I said with a smile.

"Ahem. Ladies, you know it's rude to whisper!" Blaise butted in. I turned my head to him, making my eye rolling extra obvious. 

I took the flask off of Pansy who had taken a few more sips. I took one, long swig. It burned on the way down, and I couldn't name what was actually inside, but it had a good tase.

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