First engagement of War

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The fight against the CIS went well over time we have been dealing with set backs because just him many droids there are and how much they are just constantly sending we could destroy an entire battalion worth of droids and yet they'll just shrug it off and send twice the amount

We have struck many shipyards permanently, destroying some of them, and taking some with the cis having access to half of the entire galaxy it did not do much but we find a planet with valuable information on new hyper space lanes, and planets that have very valuable resources that are needed for a ship production so we have dispatch an army of around 12,000 soldiers, excluding combat robots in total a pretty small force, considering the separate planet has a total droid number of over 10 million but it's not like we fought more droids than 10 million I mean it's pretty small compared to the amount we've actually fought the largest amount of droids we actually fought were 50+ million it had happened on one of our more valuable mining planets, but we managed to beat them pretty fast. It lasted about three weeks. Nothing much.

The amount of ships were sending over to that planet I'm going to total around 30ships it has

10 battleships
6 carriers
14 frigate

But anyways we see the fleet traveling in hyperspace heading towards the planet Thera we couldn't really pronounce the original name of the planet so we just gave it that name the planet looks similar to ours earth but in biology it looks nothing alike like the planet does not use oxygen more like a different type of gas. It's not fatal to us, but it can cause breathing issues like a sore throat sore lungs and similar stuff but we have added a filter to our soldiers helmet. It allows to filter the gas or any type of gas from any planet that does not use oxygen as its main source you guys get it anyways

But anyways, let's get back on topic the earth fleet had just arrived to Thera and they are out of range of the separatist turbo lasers but they are not so they use superheavy laser turrets that has the longest range in the galaxy, with the separatist fleet unable to do anything they did the best thing they could do is to send out droid fighters just as we sent ours at first sight it looked like the droids were going to win but it was not like that at all it was a one sided dogfight it was mainly because the droid fighters only used basic maneuvers compared to us at least but to the republic these were the best one out there but not here so the dogfight did not last that long so after the remaining droid fighters were mopped up and destroyed we had ordered our fighters to start targeting the separatist ships it did not take long for those to fall we also always questioned why they used Napoleon tactics for defense when protecting a planet there are so many other defensive strategies out there

When we made it through the atmosphere we were met with heavy fire from their J-1 proton cannons it took out most of our frigates but our fighters managed to take most of them out without much trouble after our battleships shot EMP missiles across the entire planet that disabled the droids ofc that did hinder our way of trying to get the valuable information but it didn't take long for us to get the information but it did take like 3 or 4 hours I think

Multiple battles happened all round the galaxy with all having different outcomes obviously it's not like we are winning every engagement all though we win more battles more than the separatists do battle against the republic which is not that surprising considering that they mainly use overwhelming numbers to win most battles and it's pretty ridiculous how one battle the separatists lost a battle because the droids did not notice a box that was unusually in the middle of the street and did not think to check it, it was probably one of if not the most humiliating battles that the separatists ever lost

But now we skip to a different battle we'll not really a battle more like a stealth operation behind enemy lines a couple SF (special forces) that are looking for a target to kill off this was someone who had dangerous information on our valuable intelligence that had tried to sell it to the CIS in hopes of trying to make a lot of money for himself but we had managed to track him down and he is also meeting with a CIS official who wants to buy the information on behalf of count dooku since he has better thing to do supposedly if he was lying because who would believe some back street person he did show some evidence that he has valuable information on us but we do not want to risk it it's best to get rid of them before it's too late

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