Chapter 214. Emily's Reward 2. Two's Too Many

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" Well, more or less, they saw that you walked over here with Emily and were enjoying a meal, they wanted to know if you could join them for their grazing outside of the walls today. Apparently, their mother, Mary says something special is going to happen today."

" Oh, that's right, they have been doing that lately, I wondered how the grazing would work."

Matthew turns from Rex and looks at me.

" Emily, would you mind taking a walk with me again? We can join them on their graze and finish up our meal as they eat to."

At first, I wanted to decline, but with the way he was looking at me... He seemed apologetic about how the others would join us. Or maybe I'm just adding my own thoughts to his eyes. But when he looks at me like that...

" Okay, Matthew. But you owe me one."

A big grin spread across his face as he pet the calves and Rex.

" Well, with that I guess we can put the blanket and everything back in the basket and get ready."

" Oh, I'll help!"

" Huh? Rex?"

" Yeah! If you don't mind, I'd like to spend a bit of time exploring around here, the terrain is so strange, I mean you have grass plains, wild fields and hills that lead into swamps! When I see stuff like this, it makes me want to explore it! That won't be an issue, right? Boss?"

Rex seems to be using puppy dog eyes to get his way. Matthew looked back at me to see if it was okay, but to be honest, what's one more now? I mean, we're going to be around a full herd of grazing cattle and even some staff members, one wolf isn't too much of an issue.

" It's fine. But remember that I'll collect this debt one day!"

I jokingly added that last bit. Mostly because I wanted him to think that I was joking. Rex seemed to realize that I wasn't kidding judging by how wide his eyes went at my voice.

" Well, I guess with that, lets pack up and join the staff."

With Matthew's words, we cleaned up and headed off to the tunnel that was made to open and close. I still am not completely sure how Matthew made it work, he said the mechanics are similar to a gate, but he mentioned a lot of words like axis, pulleys and physics. He seemed very happy with himself when he had actually finished the tunnel. As we walked through, I was surprised that he had even thought about collecting the rainwater that comes into the tunnel it pools into a water tank that we have for the cattle. Matthew said that water can be scarce when we need it most, so it's better to collect as much as you can. We exited the tunnel to be treated to a great view of the grasslands that surround Paradise now. It's a strange sight considering when we first arrived it was surrounded by murky swamps to be honest, the first time I saw the change in scenery, I thought that the Wyvern may have actually killed us somehow. But that was just one of the first miracles that I had seen Matthew bring about here. To Ruby it was just another in a long list as far as she was concerned.

" Hmm, maybe I should add a small pond as well so it can collect off of the river over there so the cows can drink..."

Matthew was mumbling to himself thinking about how to make the grazing for the cattle better. He spoke to Rex before he took off to explore and it seems that the cattle think as we all do. That while it would be nice, they'd like him to take it easy for a bit since he's done so much for them already. Matthew took their opinions to memory, but since they didn't refuse his offer, he's already thinking about how best to add the pond.

" Matthew, today is a day of rest, besides, you can think about adding things once the farming project is complete."

" Oh! good point, Emily. I guess that can work. Okay Rex have fun, just be back in 2 hours, okay?"

" You got it! See ya!"

With those words, Rex took off like a speeding cart for the deep forest that was in the horizon of the grass plains. With that, Matthew and I followed the calves and their mother cow Mary for a good while as they grazed. Occasionally a small monster would appear, the cattle would gang up and eat them. These ranged from small insect type monsters and even a few snakes. Once the calves had their fill of playing with Matthew, he turned to me as the cattle were grazing and asked me a question I was waiting for.

" I'd hate to ask this now, since I thought we'd be sitting at some point. But I'm a little hungry Emily, could you pass me that sandwich now?"

His question brought a smile to my face, and my answer arrived as quickly as my smile did.

" Absolutely!"

I handed him his sandwich and I watched as he happily consumed it.

" Ah! I love that garlic sauce it goes so well with the turkey meat!"

Matthew seemed to enjoy the meal a great deal. But now the effects of the sandwich had seemed to begin to take effect.

" Why are you yawning, Boss?"

" Ah! Rex! Warn me when you show back up."

Matthew was startled by Rex's return. Rex had returned and he looked as if he played in mud.

" Myaahh..."

" Hm?"

The white calf made a strange noise.

" Rex, is she okay?"

" Who, Molly? Yeah, she just yawned is all. Seems all of the walking and such made them tired. Just like you, Boss. Actually. I could use a nap to. All that running wore me out."

" Well, today is my rest day. Emily, do you mind if we take a nap before heading back?"

I placed a blanket out so that Matthew and I could have a good rest.

" Ah! That's great! Self-Clean!"

Rex glowed a light blue hue and the dirt that had tracked into his fur had disappeared.

" Wow, Rex, you had self-cleaning magic?"

" Of course, sometimes Courier Wolves need to deliver to the higher-ups of the world, it'd be embarrassing for the Wolf and the original sender if the deliverer were filthy."

" Moo!"

" Alright, sure."

It seems the calves as well as their mother also wanted to be clean. As a woman myself, I could understand it.

" Alright, time to lay down."

" Stop right there, Matthew!"

" Huh? What, Emily?"

" You'll be repaying that debt from earlier. Instead of lying there, you'll be lying here."

I pointed to my lap.

" But!"

" You owe me one, don't you? I'll accept no backtalk. Lay down, or I'll let Sarah and Anna know I was dissatisfied from my reward."

His look of astonishment was something to behold. I shouldn't get too used to teasing him currently, but I can't help it, usually I only see him act as a Lord or businessman so this side of him is almost too adorable not to bring it out.

" Fine."

After a sigh and a deep breath. Matthew placed his head on my lap! Ruby was right, this is great! Even though I can only see his face when I exhale due to the size of my chest, his face is so close!

" Huh?"

" Moo!"

" Woah!"

It seems that the calves took Matthew's actions as a guideline for the nap, they placed their heads on each of Matthew's laps, their mother looked at me with an apologetic look on her face. But since I was so happy with Matthew's use of my own lap, I simply pet Mary's head and told her not to worry about it. With Mary on one side and Rex on the other next to us and Matthew and the calves in a lap pillow chain, the nap began to take place. Unfortunately, I had miscalculated. Since I had also eaten the same meal as Matthew, the drowsy effect of the turkey meat affected me as well. As I closed my eyes, I thought that the sun was a bit too bright for my liking. If only I had realized the light didn't come from the sun, but from a giant surprise waiting for Matthew and me when we awoke. Maybe I could've prepared some much-needed clothes.

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