The world was swirling even worse than before, someone's voice echoing in his ears... no. He wouldn't listen... he wouldn't listen to them!

Dick squeezed his eyes shut. "M-make it stop!" He shouted, almost cringing upon hearing the desperation in his own voice.

"I've got you," someone was saying.

Dick's mind latched on to the words, twisting them. Scenes of the court's past punishments flickering through his mind. He could feel arms holding him. He struggled against them violently, sucking in a terrified breath as the arms around him let go.

He was falling...

The metallic smell of blood filled Dick's nose, making him want to vomit, memories of his kills running through his mind on a loop.

"It's alright Dickie," a voice said, concern practically dripping from the words.

Dick opened his eyes, letting out a choked sob of relief when he saw he was still in the Batcave, Jason leaning over him.

"I-I'm sorry," he mumbled, squeezing his eyes shut against the bright lights. "I-I didn't mean it... I didn't mean to..."

Jason shushed the elder, checking the spot he'd hit his head before scooping him up in his arms and carrying him back to the med bay.

"G- job," Bruce mumbled when he saw Jason carrying Dick back inside.

Jason's heart ached for the acrobat... he wished Bruce weren't drugged beyond all rational thought at the moment... maybe he'd know how to support the boy.

Dick looked so lost... so scared.

Jason settled Dick on the medical bed before turning to leave. Surely Alfred would know what to do.

"No!" Dick called, pushing himself up off of the bed and reaching for his brother. "D-don't leave me."

There was a crash as Dick fell out of the bed.

"OoooooOooOooOooOoops," Bruce mumbled from across the room.

Blood was starting to pool on the ground beneath Dick's head.

Jason stood there for a moment, brow furrowed as the blood continued to pour from his brother's skull. It was supposed to stop... that's how talons work... they heal themselves...

Nothing was happening... why wasn't Dick healing himself?

Jason turned, throwing the supply cabinets open and snatching up rolls and pads of gauze. He dove to his brother's side, propping him up against him and hastily wrapping his bleeding head.

"Alfred!" He shouted, looking around for anyone to help him. "Tim! Damian!"

"Yer mum," Bruce called from his spiral into delirium.

"Bruce!" Jason shouted, his panic and annoyance clear in his voice.

Bruce giggled quietly.

Jason tried to keep pressure on the bandage wrapped around Dick's head, his mind racing. What was he supposed to do?

A thought popped into his mind. Alfred was surely paying close attention to Bruce's monitors...

Jason set Dick gently on the floor, brows drawing together in worry when he saw the ashy gray tint of his skin.

He ran to Bruce's bedside, startling the man, who'd dozed off.

Jason detached several of the monitors from their respective places, sending a hopeful glance toward the stairs up to the manor before he returned to his brother's side.

A few minutes later Alfred rushed into the med bay. He looked at Bruce for a moment, who was currently pretending his hands were puppets before he noticed Jason and Dick on the floor.

"What happened?" He asked as he got to work, helping Jason lift the acrobat back onto the bed.

"He fell out of the bed... he's... he's supposed to be able to heal himself, but he's not," Jason tried to explain.

Alfred's brow furrowed. "Keep pressure on his wound while I get gloved," he instructed.

Jason nodded, continuing to press on the wound.

Alfred returned a few minutes later, everything he needed on a little cart. He nodded at Jason, and then got started cleaning and prepping the wound for staples.

Jason stood to the side, watching as Alfred worked. He was sure Dick had to have some sort of concussion, not to mention he'd probably need another blood transfusion.

He glanced over his shoulder at Bruce who was sleeping peacefully once again. What had happened when he'd rescued Dick?

There was a gap in the narrative, but unfortunately the only two people who could fill that were not currently conscious.

Jason sighed and plopped into a seat across the room. He'd hang around just in case Alfred needed him.

Bruce snored softly in the corner, almost making Jason chuckle. This was the most unBatmanly he'd ever seen the man act.

Alfred was just about finished so it seemed.

Jason cringed when he noticed the shaved area around the mostly closed wound. Dick was going to hate the haircut he'd have to get to make that blend in... buzz cut would be more like it.

Color slowly returned to Dick's skin after Alfred set up the blood transfusion.

Jason hoped he'd be okay...

Secrets hurtजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें