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Meredith was at her parents' house. She had stopped by because her dad had been begging her to do so. Derek would come over once his surgery would be over

"Meredith, you're stupid!" Ellis scolded

"I-I'm sorry mom." She whimpered

"Ellis, don't be mean!" Richard frowned. His wife was dealing with Alzheimer, which made her yell even more often at Meredith than ever before

"Richard, don't you see it? She'll never get through med school!"

"I- I graduated, mom. I'm a resident, me and Derek are married and we're both doctors." Meredith tried to remind her mother, tho she was terrified her mother would start yelling again

"You shouldn't marry a man, and make sure not to get any children. They ruin your life, they ruin everything! I wish I never had you!"

"I think I should go.." Meredith muttered and grabbed her bag quickly

"Princess.. You know your mom doesn't mean it." Richard followed her

"Dad.. She does mean it. She's always said this, she thinks I'm a waste of space and time." Meredith shrugged, she didn't wanna cry as she was used to this. She just had to toughen up and continue

"I love you, okay?" Richard reminded her of it, kissing her forehead softly

"I love you too, dad. I'll see you later." Meredith sighed softly, leaving the house in a hurry. She drove off to the hospital. She got herself dressed in her navy scrubs and ran down the pit as she got paged

"Hey, did you just start?" Addison catched up with her best friend

"Yeah, I went to see my mother." Meredith muttered

"How did that do?" Addison frowned as everyone knew how Meredith had always been treated

"Shitty." Meredith quickly said as they arrived at the ambulance bay

"Grey and Montgomery, you get in an ambulance and drive to the trauma. Dr Shepherd and Sloan are coming as well." Bailey ordered

"Which Shepherd?" Meredith asked

"Your Shepherd." Bailey chuckled and watched both women climb into the back if the ambulance

A while later they were working at the trauma, hoping all would go fast and quick when they heard loud noises, people started screaming

Meredith and Addison were bended down over a pregnant woman that was sitting on a chair

Meredith looked up and saw a car rushing towards them

"Get away!" She yelled at Addison and the woman

She was right in time to move them away, Addison shielded the pregnant woman but it was too late for Meredith to get away, she tried to brace herself for impact

"Mer!" Addison and Mark screamed as they saw her get launched by the car, they both started running towards her, they saw her body laying on the hard ground, bleeding in several places but unconscious

"Her heart is beating." Mark said as he felt her pulse

"Oh god- Meredith!" Derek sobbed next to her

"Grey!" Bailey yelled and ran towards them, all available doctors started to rush

"Someone call the hospital now, tell them we're bringing Meredith in. We need all doctors available, the others: deal with these patients!" Bailey ordered

"Bailey-" Derek whimpered as they started working on his wife who was clearly severely injured

"Stay away, Shepherd." Bailey said sternly, she heard Derek's breathing getting labored as he cried his eyes out while screaming for Meredith to please wake up

"Lift her on the gurney, spinal bed is secured, c-collar is okay and IV is inserted." Kepner yelled, they got Meredith onto the stretcher

Addison was checking out the pregnant lady but had issues to focus

Her best friend and sister just got hit by a car, she literally flew in the air and was now unconscious.

She heard her brother in law screaming for his wife while her own husband was fighting the tears in a try to help her

Right now Addison just wanted to be held, to be promised everything would be just fine, but she knew better than this...

"Mer, we'll take good care of you, I promise." Mark stroke his finger over her cheek, one of the only places where there wasn't any blood

"Mark-" Addison whimpered as other doctors arrived to take over since Addison, Mark and Derek were too affected

"Jump in the ambulance, it might be cramped." Bailey ordered. "But Shepherd, you stay seated. You're not working on your wife."

"I- I'm not leaving her side!" He said, insanely worried

"Let's bring her to the hospital first." Bailey said and the long drive started

To each of them it felt like hours went by, all looked okay until suddenly Meredith's blood pressure dropped

"She's probably bleeding internally!" Mark yelled, he started looking right away and felt her stomach was insanely hard. "Think it's her spleen, we'll have to remove it!"

"T-Thats fine, people can live without a spleen." Addison muttered to herself, trying to get reassured

Derek wrapped his arm around his sister in law but not looking away from his wife, he was scared that if he'd move she's disappear

Eventually they arrived at the hospital, they rushed Meredith inside and right away for scans. They decided the scans would be more important right now to see the full body damage. Derek followed along

"She needs surgery right away. Her spleen needs to be removed, looks like her wrist is fractured, her spine broke.. gosh.. so much is wrong." Bailey muttered as she, Amelia, Teddy and Kepner were looking at the images

"Prep her, now!" Amelia ordered and they all started to rush

Derek had no idea. He was being kicked out by Bailey, much to his dislike. He was really upset that he couldn't be around his own wife, he just wanted to comfort her, to love and support her through this

He hated her being on her own, he knew how bad she had always struggled with anxiety and the neglection of her mom


Derek suddenly remembered he hadn't called Richard yet, but he couldn't do this, he had to stay close, in case something would happen to his wife

"Mark?" He turned to face his brother

"Yeah?" He was so quiet, not like he remembered his brother

"Can you call Richard, please? He needs to know.." Derek muttered


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