Collecting Kelly

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Zephyra woke to talking the next morning. At first, she didn't focus on it as she was trying to wake up, but when she was awake enough to actually listen, she smiled as it seemed the engines were making a plan. She took another shower and ate some breakfast before heading outside. "Aye, there is the little miss. Was wondering if you were going to wake up today." Salty said teasingly. The girl blushed slightly. "Sleeping in a bed is a lot nicer than sleeping in a sleeping bag on the ground." Everyone chuckled, but they were just teasing her.

"So you are heading over to warehouse four, correct?" Porter asked, which Zeph nodded in response to. "Yeah, I'm hoping it has at least some stuff. Any little bit will help in keeping you all running." The engines understood very well and were all hoping for a bit of luck as she jogged through the buildings to the warehouse. When she got there, she was hesitant to unlock the door. "It is like Schrodinger's cat... If I don't open it, there could be lots of parts, but if I open it, there could be no parts." She mumbled to herself before squeezing the key tightly and pushing it into the lock. As she slowly turned it, she was relieved that it worked and the door was free to swing open. She tensed slightly but pushed the door open and turned on her flashlight.

As the beam of light scanned the room, a large smile spread across Zeph's face as she saw many boxes, wheels, and other items stacked from floor to ceiling in the large warehouse. But as she looked around, she saw a notebook, covered in dust, laying on the box nearest to the door. She gingerly picked it up and opened it and saw some writing. "If you are reading this, you are either a thief or a caring soul. I have stockpiled these parts for many years so that my engines always could be repaired.." Zeph paused as she thought on the words. " 'My Engines.' That must mean Sir Topham Hatt left this note." She went back to reading. "... If you aren't a thief, then I'm glad you found these parts. You certainly went looking for these to help the engines of this wonderful island. I don't know how long it will before this note is found, but I hope that you and your helpers are able to fix these engines and preserve them. They are hard workers and very kind. They don't deserve to fade away. So please, take great care of them and good luck. Signed, Sir Topham Hatt."

Zeph stayed quiet as she smiled. The old man was incredibly clever and had thought everything through. He had purposely sent her here when she first visited, knowing she'd grow attached to the engines and want to fix them. She was confused as to why he chose her of all people to send to the island in the first place, but she was very thankful. She hoped to make him happy and fulfill his wish. She closed the notebook and tucked it carefully into her bag before heading back to the engines. When they noticed her walking over, they were a little tense. "Well, what did you find?" Asked Derek. Zeph sighed a bit but smiled. "We are gonna have a lot of work ahead of us to move those parts." Everyone smiled and cheered a bit.

"I'll definitely need to get Kevin down here to help move the supplies." She wondered if he could lift the supplies high enough to load the cars when Salty got her attention. "Kelly could help to. Assuming he is at the SCC still." Zeph's eyes lit up. "Well, here is hoping he is when Edward and I go visit." "Edward? You found Edward?" The twins asked, shocked. "Is he ok? You said when you and him go visit, so is he operational?" It was clear the twins were very happy to hear about their friend. Zeph chuckled a bit as she put her backpack in Salty's cab. "Yes, he is ok. He is helping me with my plans. You'll see him soon enough, but first we have to get you all moved. Salty, think you can pull Porter along with Bill, Ben, and Derek?"

The diesel thought about it for a moment. "It'll be a little struggle trying to go up Gordon's hill at a crawl, but we might just manage it." "And if you didn't have to go up at a crawl?" she asked, hopeful. "Then we'll have no problem at all." He grinned, which made her smile. "Then I give you permission to run at normal speed, just no record breaking, ok?" The Class 07 gave a hearty laugh but agreed. The two of them worked together to add Porter to the consist, but the trucks looked sad. "What about us?" "Don't worry. I need you here for when we come and grab the supplies. Which, fingers crossed, will happen in less than a weeks time. But don't worry, I won't forget you all." It was clear that made the trucks feel better. As Salty creeped up the line, Zeph shut the doors and said goodbye to everyone before catching up with the group.

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