Onward To Sodor

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In the early afternoon of a warm spring day; heavy waves crashed against the bow of a large tug boat. The vessel creaked and groaned against the mighty water, which smashed against it, covering its deck in foam and salty water. At the helm of this vessel stood a young girl, grinning from ear to ear as the ship was tossed about in the semi-rough seas.

Behind her, a young man of similar age stumbled up, looking as though he would be sick at any moment. "I TOLD you we shouldn't have gone out!" He yelled over the crashing waves and strong winds. The conditions were rough but not a full-blown storm. It was just strong enough to toss the little vessel around.

"Ah, this is nothing. You just think this is bad because it's your first time on a boat." She called back, giggling. Granted her first time on a boat wasn't great either, and it had been a much bigger boat. She pulled her captain's hat down a little tigher and continued to guide the ship through the rough waves. Many times, the ship would roll and list this way and that, but it refused to give to the waves. The strange barge that it pulled also refused to capsize. The two of them would toss and turn all day and into the night before calm waters would find them. Both of them walked around the ship to inspect for damage but would find none.

The girl grinned at her friend, "Told ya. We made it with no issues!" Her smile turned to a frown as her friend hit her on the top of her head, "Blind luck will only get you so far! If you get me killed, then I'm gonna haunt you!" He said, unamused and while trying to get his stomach to settle. "I still don't know how you convinced me to do this."

"Well, I needed to borrow the boat and the barge, and you needed to go to Britain for several months to try to make more business partners. So this way, we save money, and I get to borrow the ship." She reminded him but rubbed her head.

Her friend groaned, "Yes, Zeph. I understand that. But I know you are crazy and reckless."

"I am not, Zori! I'm just more outgoing." She crossed her arms. They glared at each other for several minutes before laughing at each other. They had been friends for over a decade and always made fun of each other or talked about whatever was on their minds; and frankly, they were pretty blunt to each other.

Getting back to their duties, they continued sailing all night till they got to Britain. As soon as they were docked and the paperwork was taken care of, they both passed out in their beds downstairs. When morning eventually came, Zephyra would be the first one to wake up. Zori would be getting off today and would be staying in various parts of Britain as a business representative. She, on the other hand, would continue sailing with everything that was on board. She had her own mission, but the first thing she would do is count all the supplies. She had months of food and water supplies, several medkits, two large tool chests full of tools, gallons of oil, gas, and diesel, a ton of coal, gallons of paint, and lots of various parts and metal. All of this was on the Tug boat and the barge, but the biggest things on the special made barge were railroad tracks. They weren't brand new, but ones that had been replaced. They were almost new, but obviously weren't. All of these supplies would be going with her on her trip, along with her own belongings. She hoped this trip would go far better than her previous one.

She made her way back to her room as her best friend woke up. They smiled and ate breakfast together once he had gotten dressed. Afterward, though, they saddened a bit. They wouldn't be seeing each other for a long time, although they could still call or text. Also, he secretly hoped she wouldn't get hurt or worse. She hadn't told him much about her plan, just she was going to an abandoned railway and was gonna fix it up. It seemed awfully ambitious, but she was crazy enough to try and do it. With a final long hug, the two parted ways.

Climbing back on the ship, she headed back out into open water and made her way west, sailing towards her destination. She pulled the Captain's hat down a little tighter on her head before grinning all over again. "Time to keep my promise. Onward, to Sodor!"

The Abandoned Island Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ