part 4- sleepy

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A few hours have passed since he agreed to join the League of Villains. Kurogiri decided to still keep Katsuki cuffed, incase he was lying, but have him able to walk around the hideout under Himiko's supervision. It's now around 2am, Himiko is still clinging to Katsuki, happy he complied.

They're sat on the sofa, watching news reports of the attack on the training camp and his kidnapping.

"Hey, Buns? Do you think they're gonna find the hideout?"

He looks at Toga, while her eyes fixated on the bloodied up heroes and students.

"Uhh.. I don't think so, but Tomura and Kurogiri have a backup plan if they do."

He nods and looks up at the TV, seeing ambulances take his old classmates and teachers to the hospital, with some Villains being put into police vans.

Himiko pouts and lays her head on his shoulder, she looks at the veins in his hands, thinking of all the precious blood running through them with every heartbeat of his. She wonders what it would be like to drink his blood, to wear his clothes, to have his personality, to be Katsuki. No, she doesnt want to freak him out just yet, she just got him to join the LoV. He yawns, stretching his arms out.

"Are you tired, Katsuki?"

She looks up at him with her sparkling eyes, he sighs.

"Kinda, I mean.. why wouldn't I be after being kidnapped?"

She grabs his hand with both of hers. Looking very excited, Himiko squeaks.

"Tomura said you can sleep in my room!"

He sighs once more and thinks for a second, not sure if he even has a choice in the matter.

"Yeah, whatever. I'm not ready for bed just yet, though."

She nods and hums happily to the thought of him and her sleeping in the same bed, thinking about how he would feel to hug, to cuddle, to kiss, to see how vulnerable he looks when sleeping.

"Are you ready for bed yet?"

Himiko looks up at him eagerly, fidgeting in her seat, he frowns.

"It's literally been 5 seconds since the first time you asked if I'm tired."

She nods, thinking of an excuse to cuddle in bed with him.

"Okay, but I'm sleepy and want to go to bed, and I can't leave you on your own."

Katsuki rolls his eyes.

"Fine, damn. Let's go to bed, it's late anyway."

She jumps up and squeaks happily, grabbing both of his hands and dragging him to her bedroom. It's quite empty, other than a few piles of clothes, a box in the corner of the room, and an old mattress on the floor with several blankets thrown ontop.

He gets pushed onto the mattress with Himiko jumping ontop of him excitedly, she sits on his lap and pulls all the blankets around them both and nuzzles her face into his neck. She takes a deep breath in as she gets familiar with his scent, looking at all the veins in his arms and hands, tracing them with her fingernails. He shivers slightly.

"H-Himi-.. You said y-you were tired."

She grins up at him, her fangs poking out of the thin line between her lips.

"I am, but i just need to see.."

She puts her fingers on his wrist, feeling his pulse. She giggles quietly and gently gnaws on his shoulder, only leaving a few red indents. Breathing heavily, she starts poking at each large vein in his hand.

"See what?"

"I need to see all of your cute veins with your precious blood inside."

He nervously lays back, letting her do what she wants, scared to fight back as she could kill him if she wanted to.

Bakugou Katsuki x Toga Himikoحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن