part 3- persuasion

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"Say that again and you will regret it, Katsuki Bakugou."

The girl holds a knife to his throat and glares at him. Katsuki's eyes widen as he struggles to break free of the cuffs, moving his neck away from the knife.

"C-calm down, brat, i-its.. it's a joke."

He forces a confident smile, which doesn't look very confident. The girl still doesn't look pleased, she takes the knife away from his throat but still holds it firmly. Katsuki sighs, looking up at her through his choppy bangs.

"It better be a joke."

The girl gets off of his lap, going to the bar and pouring herself some pomegranate juice, she lightly sips it and looks back at Katsuki from the corner of her eye. He watches intently, still on guard.

"So.. why?... why am I here? Is it only to be a play thing for you or am I supposed to be some accomplice?"

She smiles, her fangs poking out, she skips back over to him.

"Maybe, maybe not. I do like you, Katsuki, and the League of Villains do want you to join."

She stands in front of him and pushes his bangs back, so she can properly look into his eyes, rubbing her thumb on his forehead.

"Don't you think it would be so nice to be free? Free of all the 'heroes' calling you villainous for your behaviour, I mean, you cant help but be aggressive, that's just your nature. They tell you to stop, to stop acting like a 'villain', to stop being so loud, to stop being who you are. Why do you put up with that? To be some ass kisser to the higher ups once you're a pro-hero? You were chained up at the sports festival, like a villain, all because you thought it wasnt fair that you won, and Todoroki held back. You got treated as a villain for wanting to prove to everybody how you're going to be the strongest hero. Isnt that unfair?"

She gives him a pitying look, pouting. He sighs. She was right, but also All Might wouldn't fall for this. Katsuki looks down at the cuffs around his wrists and ankles.

"I wanna be like All Might. Not some loser like you and your punks. So what if they chained me up? You have too, you're no different."

She rolls her eyes.

"That's for your and our safety, dummy."

He looks up at her, still not falling for this.

"Go throw yourself into traffic if you think I'm falling for this. I'm gonna be the strongest hero, like All Might."

The girl sits on his lap again, clinging to his neck, once again.

"Yeah, but.. All Might wouldn't get kidnapped like you did. You're never gonna be a hero like him. You're not even seen as a hero, not like that Deku or Todoroki. They already see you as some villain, because of how you act. Look at how All Might didnt try to defend you when you were on the podium, chained up like a rabid animal. Why would he care about you being a hero? You're already a villain to him."

Katsuki's eyes widen, his bottom lip trembling. All Might wouldn't see him as a villain, no. But then why would he let him be chained up? Why doesn't he pay attention to him like he does with Deku? Why would he be in this situation if the heroes cared about him? All Might wouldn't be in this situation in the first place, he would be on the news being seen as a hero for defeating all the villains. Is Katsuki not a hero?

"You-.. you know what.. screw them.. they're gonna see what they did, they're gonna see how wrong they were to treat me like I'm some nobody. They're all gonna die for this!"

The girl smiles to herself as she wipes his tears.

Bakugou Katsuki x Toga HimikoWhere stories live. Discover now