Chapter 4 : Magnificent, independant and crazy

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Quota 70/130 - Last day

"This woman is absolutely insane!" Victor internally screamed as they narrowly missed another car by mere inches. He diverted his gaze from the road to look anxiously at the driver. Dressed elegantly in a suit, she no doubt carried an air of gracefulness, yet Victor was convinced he had never encountered a woman as crazy as her in his entire life. They had left the house a few minutes ago, and she hadn't uttered a single word since. Victor had no objection to the silence, but he also favored the idea of staying alive.

Despite her beauty, independence, and any other compliment one might think of, she was undeniably reckless. Under normal circumstances, Victor might have suggested her to seek psychological help or even go on a relaxing retreat at a spa, but he was far too preoccupied with clinging onto his life to entertain such thoughts. After all, they were on the ring road during rush hour, being more over 200 km/h than under. And the driver seemed to prefer slaloming through the traffic over braking, a tactic that Victor found more terrifying than dealing with the slow-moving elderly of the early afternoon. Yet, he had to admit, albeit grudgingly:

'This car is super cool.'

He would, however, withhold any praise for the driving skills of his boss, who was navigating through traffic with undeniable grace but had seemingly decided to risk both their lives just to avoid being late for the first service.

'Damn this woman,' Victor muttered, gripping the handle beside him with all his might.

Salvation seemed imminent when Victor heard police sirens behind them. But just as he braced himself for a high-speed chase, his manager calmly pulled over to the emergency lane. From her suit, she retrieved a wallet, and from that wallet, a striking red license. Victor had a bad feeling, sensing that she might just get away with her recklessness.

As the police car stopped behind them and an officer approached the driver's side window, his eyes widened upon seeing the driver.

'Don't get fooled brother! This woman is crazy!' Victor internally exclaimed. But it was too late; the officer was already speaking to his manager in the softest, calmest, and kindest tone possible:

"Excuse me, madam, but you have... you have exceeded the speed limit." He had stuttered a bit under her indifferent gaze.

She didn't speak, simply showing him her license without handing it over. The license, with its loud red color, featured a salamander logo and a note in black ink:

Diplomatic License.

'Damn this woman!' Victor inwardly shouted, despair slowly sinking into his soul. The officer, upon seeing the diplomatic license, became even more polite. He checked the identification number and, after confirming everything was in order, wished them a good day and added:

"Please be careful on the road, madam. People here drive like lunatics."

'Thank you, officer. I hope you'll have my death on your conscience if something happens to me on the road,' Victor thought as he was leaving. He then looked at his manager with concern as she neatly put away her license and wallet back into her elegant suit, and he helplessly witnessed a nightmarish scene unfold.

She slammed on the accelerator, and Victor's head was thrust back into his seat by the sheer force of the acceleration. In no time, they were back to cruising at 200 km/h. He was trapped, waiting for death in his comfortable leather seat, which was ventilated, heated, and had a massage function. He even started to ventilate his back.

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