Kotoha got irritated by their disrespectful actions and glared at them. "Get out of my way, I said!"

"Hey, don't be like that." The delinquents with brown hair grinned ostentatiously. "Don't you wanna go somewhere? Do something?"

"I want..." Kotoha paused, tightening her grip on the bag of eggs in irritation. "But my hands are full and it'd be a waste of eggs. So I won't."

"I like feisty girls, but get too uppity and it'll come back to bite you." The brown-haired delinquent sneered and harshly grabbed Kotoha's arm.

You felt your brows furrow in irritation to see his audacity to touch your precious friend without her consent.

Touching someone without their consent was a sin in your opinion. Therefore, you opted to punish him by breaking his arm. You moved swiftly toward them with the intent of breaking his arm.

But black and white-haired boy grabbed the brown-haired boy's shoulder, causing him to turn his head and glare at him.

"It's too early in the day to be that lame." The black and white-haired boy uttered bluntly. Just by his voice, you could tell that he didn't want to help her but chose to do so.

"Huh? What's your damage?" The brown-haired boy got irked and turned himself to face him. "Think you're better'n me?"

"It's good that you're self-conscious. We don't need to waste our time by telling you the obvious." You scoffed, giving him a roundhouse kick, sending him to crush against the closest shutter.

"Wowza!" The black and white-haired boy exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with awe. His face flushed with embarrassment as he realized he had said that aloud.

At that precise moment, he wanted to dig a hole and bury himself alive for embarrassing himself and, more importantly, praising a stranger and acknowledging her strength.

"Now you've done it bitch!" His lackey got pissed off at you and rushed toward you to attack you from behind.

Before you could do anything. In the blink of an eye, the black and white-haired boy defeated them all.

The brown-haired boy managed to get up from the ground, but his head was still spinning from the roundhouse kick, blurring his vision. He got pissed off at you for wounding his ego and ruining his gang leader image. He bolted in your direction. "Don't take me lightly!"

But before he could reach you. The black and white-haired boy knocked him out with one punch.

'He pulled Saitama there' You deadpanned.

The black and white-haired boy
crouched down and stared at the brown-haired boy's knocked-out, lying figure on the ground with an unimpressed expression. "What's wrong with your head to make you think you're strong when you're not?"

He grabbed the knocked-out figure of
brown-haired boy by his shirt and pulled him closer to his face. "Drill my face and name into your skulls. Tell the weak to run. Tell the strong how to find me. " He let go of the brown-haired boy's t-shirt, causing him to collapse to the ground and grinned cockily. "I'm Sakura Haruka, from Furin High!"

'Why is he simultaneously cool and cringe-worthy?' You deadpanned. 

You noticed him leaving with his hands stuffed into his pockets.

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