First day of school

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Y/N woke up on the floor, it was the first day of collage and he did not want to go but his mother woke him up and told him to get ready for school.


""I hate school" you told yourself and looked in the mirror next to your bed, you saw a dark grey dire wolf with a dark purple collar on and a light Bleu band on it's right arm. It was you and you looked horribal, you placed your hand on your messy furry body and said ""What a shit show...girls and even gay guys would run away if they saw me"".


You stood up and went to the bathroom to get yourself clean and ready for collage. Grabbing the comb off the bathroom table, you brushed your hair nice and fluffy then brushed your teeth. You noticed a bird outside and barked it away. You never liked birds in the first place but you don't know why so you just bark then away. You clean your fur and get dressed in your dark baggy clothes.

You get your bag and started walking to collage, it wasn't that far from your house just like a 20 minute walk. As you enter the collage grounds, you notice some girls and boys are starring at you but you knew who was gonna ask you out soon and who was gonna trick you.
You walked into the collage and started looking for your class room, you never wanted to be here but you had to and must be here to become an animator and a game disghiner.

THANK YOU FOR READING THIS CHAPTER, if you want more then ask in the comments, btw this is my second Wattpad account, the first one is JZfurryzz...BYE!!!

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