𝐔𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐝

Start from the beginning

The blonde smiled and laughed lightly at her comment

Never had she not felt the relentless pulse of the pre-game tension coursing through her veins, she felt each heartbeat echoing the pressure to perform, to live up to the expectations, to be the star everyone believed her to be. The weight of her own aspirations and the burden of recovery from her injury compounded the anxiety, making the basketball in her hands feel like a ticking time bomb rather than an old friend.

But then there was Nailea, approaching her with an ease that seemed to brush aside the chaotic energy of the arena. It was as if she carried with her a sphere of calm, a protective bubble that enveloped Paige as soon as their eyes met.

Paige didn't have words to describe what Nailea Devora was doing to her, but the fluttering in her chest, the way her nerves seemed to smooth out like wrinkles from a sheet, told her more than enough. Nailea's presence was a balm, her confidence a shield, and the understanding in her eyes a whisper of courage directly to Paige's soul.

If the stands were empty, if the cameras weren't trained on them, if the world outside of this bubble paused, Paige wasn't sure she could hold herself back from kissing the girl that stood in front of her. There was a magnetism to her, a pull that felt natural and right, as if the universe had aligned perfectly in this moment just to bring them together.

"Paige," Nailea said, her voice cutting through the noise, grounding Paige back to reality. "Forget the cameras, the crowd, the expectations. Just play. Play like it's just you and me back in the driveway."

The suggestion painted a vivid image in Paige's mind, one of simpler times, laughter, and the joy of the game they both loved so dearly. It was an anchor, a reminder of why she played in the first place.

In that moment, Nailea gifted her something precious—perspective. The realization that basketball wasn't about the pressure; it was about the love of the game, the shared experiences, and the people who stood by you through it all.

Paige's response was a smile, one that reached all the way to her eyes, banishing shadows and doubts. "Thank you, Nai," she said, her voice barely above a whisper, yet imbued with newfound strength. "For everything."

Without a second thought, Nailea reached out and took Paige's hands in hers, giving it a reassuring squeeze. The gesture was small, intimate even, but it spoke volumes. It was their bubble, their moment, and for Paige, it was a reminder of the unwavering support system she had.

Around them, the buzz of the crowd grew louder, whispers weaving through the air as spectators took notice of the exchange. Camera flashes punctuated the scene, capturing the moment that was sure to spark speculation and set social media ablaze with rumors of the two being more than just friends.

But for Paige and Nailea, it wasn't about that. It was about the comfort found in years of friendship, the unspoken understanding that they were each other's rock in a sea of chaos.

Paige's grip on Nailea's hand tightened briefly before she let go, her eyes now alight with a renewed fire.

"It's what I'm here for," Nailea replied with a soft smile. "Now go show them why you're the best in the game. After me of course." She added stepping back to let Paige rejoin the warm-up session. This time, Paige's shots found their mark with ease, her confidence restored.

As the players returned to their benches and the game was about to commence, the atmosphere was charged with excitement. And amidst it all, two friends shared a knowing look, their bond unspoken but stronger than ever, ready to face whatever the game would bring.

Each member of the team carried the weight of their journey, but they also carried the strength they'd drawn from one another. With every dribble, pass, and shot, they would show the world the true essence of Husky basketball—resilience, unity, and the undying will to prevail.


UConn 2020-24/5 team yall forever be my favourite 🥹

I feel like Ive just grown with this team especially since I watched many of them before they committed to UConn or when they first joined now you're telling me they're last game together was yesterday?! I cried so bad my parents thought I was mad


I'm Writing this to stop myself from crying about that fact Nika and Aaliyah won't be here next season and the twins (Paige and Nika) won't be  playing again together anymore


Althoughhh I Did just here that we got #1 class pick for a centre so I'm excited to see what's next .Imma miss my favs tho


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