𝐔𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐝

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THE BIG EAST Basketball Tournament was always a crucible, a test of talent, determination, and sheer willpower. For the UConn Huskies, reaching the finals wasn't just a testament to their skill on the court; it was a victory over every obstacle they'd faced throughout the season. Injuries, close games, and the relentless pressure to uphold their storied legacy had forged them into more than just a team—they were a family.

The energy in the arena was electric, a tangible excitement that could be felt coursing through the veins of every spectator and player alike. On the bench, Azzi, Nailea, and some of the other girls all in their warm-ups, were a mix of emotions—pride for their team and longing to be on the court.

Azzi, ever observant, caught a glimpse of Paige's jittery movements on the court. Her knee, wrapped up from the injury, didn't allow her to join the action, but her mind was as sharp as ever. Nailea, sitting beside her, was lost in her own thoughts,with her head on Azzi's shoulder. Azzi nudged Nailea gently, inclining her head subtly towards Paige.

"What? What are we looking at?" Nailea asked, her brows furrowing as she followed Azzi's line of sight.

"I think a certain blonde—yours specifically—is a bit nervous," Azzi whispered, her voice a careful hush meant only for Nailea's ears.

Azzi's comment hung in the air as Nailea opened her mouth to object, but Azzi cut her off swiftly.

"Girl, don't even tell me all of that. The whole team sees the way you look at each other."

"We're not—" Nailea tried again to dispel the insinuation, but Azzi wasn't having any of it. She placed a hand gently over Nailea's mouth, a playful yet firm gesture.

"Nai, you're the only one who knows how to calm her down and you know that. We need her focused on the court today" Azzi said, her eyes serious despite the soft smile playing on her lips.

Nailea's eyes softened, and she sighed, a reluctant admission of the truth in Azzi's words. Azzi removed her hand, and Nailea stood up,

Nailea approached Paige with a familiarity that only years of friendship could forge. The clamor of the arena seemed to fade into the background as she neared the blonde guard, whose eyes were fixed on the rim with an intensity that was almost tangible.

Paige, still unaware of the girl continued her warmup, her movements slightly off from her usual fluid grace. The pressure was a familiar foe, but today it felt heavier, compounded by the eyes of thousands in the stands and the lingering doubts about her recovery.

"Hey," Nailea said softly, garnering Paige's attention. Her voice was a soothing balm in the cacophony of pre-game nerves.

Startled, Paige looked up, her expression morphing from focused to relieved in a split second. "Hey," she echoed, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

"You're overthinking it," Nailea chided gently, the corners of her eyes crinkling with affection. "Remember when we were kids? you'd always get like this, and I'd haven to remind you we're just playing in the driveway at home?"

Paige's smile widened as the memory settled in. "And then you'd miss on purpose to make me feel better?"

Nailea chuckled, shaking her head. "I didn't miss on purpose. You were just that good."

Paige rolled her eyes playfully, but her shoulders relaxed, the tension visibly draining from her frame.

"Look at me," Nailea said, her tone firm but kind. Paige complied, meeting her friend's gaze. "You've got this. ACL, awards, pressure... it doesn't matter. You're Paige mother fucking Bueckers always have been always will be."

𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 • Paige Bueckers Where stories live. Discover now