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While having dinner with his mom, Stanly felt uneasy about Bill's presence. He couldn't shake off his scepticism, but he decided to ignore it and continue with his meal. As he ate, he noticed Bill staring at him from the staircase. Bill was sitting there without saying anything. Fortunately, Stanly's mom couldn't see Bill, which was a relief because he knew she would panic and start freaking out if she could see him. Once he finished his food, he quickly excused himself and headed upstairs, ignoring Bill's gaze and walking past him without even looking.

When he reached his room, Stanly decided to relax and began scrolling through his phone, texting his friends. But he couldn't shake off the feeling of unease as he noticed Bill sitting on his gaming chair and staring at him from across the room. Stanly felt increasingly annoyed and wondered why Bill was looking at him like that. He finally spoke up, "Why are you staring at me like that?" Bill's response was curt and direct. "I-is it a problem?" he asked. Stanly's irritation grew as he realized that Bill didn't seem to understand how his staring was making him uncomfortable.

Trying to be polite, Stanly explained to Bill that his constant staring was making him feel uneasy. Bill apologized and explained that he had nothing else to do. He had already explored the house and was now feeling bored and restless. Stanly suggested that Bill could try exploring the house again or find something else to do to keep himself occupied. But Bill replied that he had already done that and was at a loss for what else to do. The tension between them lingered, and Stanly couldn't help but feel frustrated by the whole situation.

"Come hang out with me, Stan," Bill suggested. Stanley let out a frustrated sigh as he finally put his phone down. "You know what? Okay, fine. Let's hang out," Stanley replied, trying to calm his nerves down. Bill smiled at him as he grabbed Stanley's bird book and threw it to him. "You didn't need to throw it, asshole," Stanley said with an angry tone. "Come on, let's see your picture collection." Stanley just nodded and opened the book. Bill sat silently next to him while Stanley started explaining every picture he had taken and told Bill all the bird's names. Stanley got nostalgic when he explained all the pictures to Bill; he remembered clearly when and how he took all these pictures. Bill listened to Stanley attentively, giving him all of his attention. Stanley couldn't help but enjoy this moment. It had been so long since he had someone who would listen to him, especially about his hobby.

The next day: 14, October 2006

The alarm clock on Stanley's nightstand rings, interrupting his slumber. He stirs, reaches out, and turns off the alarm. After rubbing his eyes, he yawns and mutters, "Good morning to me." Stanley then gets out of bed and proceeds to the bathroom to begin his morning routine before heading off to school.

After a few minutes, Stanly emerged from the bathroom feeling refreshed. He surveyed his room but didn't see Bill anywhere. He shrugged it off, grabbed his backpack, and left his room. As he descended the stairs and arrived in the kitchen, the smell of bacon and eggs greeted him. His mother was cooking breakfast. "Good morning, honey," she said with a smile on her face. "Morning, Mom," Stanly replied as he took a seat at the small dining table.

Stanley's mom placed a plate of food on the table, and he quickly ate his breakfast. The clock showed it was almost 7 o'clock, so Stanley put his plate in the sink and kissed his mom goodbye before walking out the door. He enjoyed the cold breeze of Derry hitting his face as he walked to the bus stop. Stanley always loved walking to school because it brightened his mood. He just hoped that today would be a great day for him. 

After his walk, he arrived at the bus stop on time and saw his friends waiting for the bus. Richie noticed him and called out, "Hey, Stan!" to which Stanly calmly replied, "Hi, Richie." "Oh guys, I have an idea for a fun activity!" Beverly said, grabbing her bag strap tightly. "Really? What do you have in mind, Bev?" Ben asked curiously. "A sleepover, tonight, only for the losers?" Beverly said, grinning. "Well, I guess it's fine," Eddie said while crossing his arms. "Of course, it's fine, Eddie spaghetti!" Richie teased. "Oh, shut up, asshole, and don't call me Eddie spaghetti," Eddie retorted, annoyed. "Could you both not argue this morning?" Mike interjected, completely done with Richie and Eddie's banter. All the other Losers laughed after Mike said that. "Where are we going to have the sleepover, though?" Stanly asked.

"What about your house, Stan? We rarely have a sleepover there," Beverly suggested. "Umm, okay. Sure, I'm alright with it," Stan replied. "Great! It's settled then," Richie said. The yellow school bus finally arrived, and all of the Losers climbed aboard. Stan sat with Mike at the back of the bus, both of them enjoying the ride in silence. The bus stopped at several stops before finally reaching the school. Stan got off the bus and quickly said goodbye to his friends before heading to his first class. His first class was English, which he actually enjoyed. Even though none of his friends were in that class, he still found it fun.

The day passed quickly, and before Stanly knew it, it was already lunchtime. He joined the "losers" at their table and sat quietly as he ate his lunch. Ben was reading a book while munching on his apple, Beverly was chatting with Mike, and Richie and Eddie were bickering as usual. Suddenly, Eddie turned to Stanly and asked, "How's the ghost problem?" All of the "losers" turned to look at Stanly, surprised by Eddie's question. "What did you just say, Eds?" Richie asked in disbelief. Stanley rubbed his temples and let out a big breath as he stared at his friends. Knowing maybe he should explain about his ghost problem, Bill's problem.

To be continued


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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