'I really shouldn't have worried too much...' Naruto smiled, ignoring the throbbing of the seal on his right palm.


Groaning in his sleep as he hears multiple unknown voices in his dreams, Sasuke struggled to open his eyes, trying to wake up.

He felt unreasonably sore from all over his body as if its been roughly thrown across the room.

He shuddered at the sudden coldness that washed all over him.

He panted, feeling a little drained as he felt a hand placed on his forehead with a gentle, worried voice calling out to him in the darkness.


In an hour later, he finally was able to slowly open his eyes and squinted at the light coming from his window.

Looking around his room, he found no one else with him.

Blinking away his sleep, he sluggishly sat on his bed and held his head in his hands.

He felt a little disoriented, tired and sore all over.

His memories of yesterday were a bit fragmented and unclear. He wasn't entirely sure of what happened.

The last he remembered was passing out due to an intense burst of pain right when he was summoned to meet with the elders, after his spar with Shisui.

And speaking of that meeting, he remembers nothing of it.

Raising his head to look at his hands, he abruptly grimaced and was quite astonished to find a familiar symbol on his left palm.

"How is it here...?" He murmured with a frown, caressing the crescent moon with his thumb.


A faint, ghostly whisper soon sounded in his mind, causing a slight migraine as he hissed in pain, clutching his head.

His chakra also spiked to show his distress.

The door to his room immediately opened and came his elder brother in a panic, to sit by his side.

"Ototo! What's wrong?" Itachi stopped on his track as his eyes fell upon another scar under his collar bone.


Looking up at the ceiling, Shikamaru simply laid on his bed, not wanting to get up.

His mind, however, was somewhere else as he tried to recall the events from last night.

He frowned when he couldn't understand the reasoning behind his sudden collapse along with a few fragmented images flashing in.

Even when his thoughts went to a certain blond who would be the possible culprit.

"Deer... Forest... Shadow..." he muttered under his breath, thinking of the words that kept repeating in his memories.

As he kept mulling over it, there was indeed a time when his father once told him about the deers under their care and how the clan has a very long history with their Sage.

An ancient history that has connections even to the Sage of Six Path himself.

Frowning in thought, he sat up and laid his elbows on his knees as he clasp his hands over his mouth.

Thinking back to their previous timeline, he never did finish his training from the Deer Sage since there was not ever a time for it because of the on going war.

Perhaps he should go make a visit.

Most especially since he felt more inclined to believe that his father already sent him to the sacred grounds for help anyway.

Sighing, he stood up and immediately felt a burning sensation from his arms and torso.

Gritting his teeth, he forced himself to take a bath for he knew exactly what caused it.

His scars from the war has now resurfaced.


Knock! Knock!

"Come in!"

Opening the door, Fugaku stepped inside the Jounin Commander's office and closed the door behind him, silencing the noise of gossiping shocked Jounins upon his unexpected arrival in the building.

"Uchiha-san...?" Shikaku raised a brow at him with interest.

"Nara-san... if its not too much trouble, I'd like to speak with you about something urgent..."


Jumping off a tree branch, he raced through the forest as he hurriedly tries to reach Konoha in records time, with his white spiky hair swaying along the wind.

'To think that man has actually plotted this far...'

He thought in all seriousness as he gritted his teeth in agitation when he recalled the letter he received from the Hokage.

He felt rage bubbling within him when he thought of the connection of that man towards his snake of a teammate's betrayal.

Along with his godson's mistreatment and the rising of a possible civil war.

Which also included a possible conspiracy during the attack of the Kyuubi that night of his student's demise.

'I will definitely not let you go if these were all proven correct, Danzo!!'

A Hope Filled Light (A Naruto Timetravel Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant