Chapter 11

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"Your right. Our plan was to help the Uchiha clan interact with the village more often. To at least ease the tension in between. But we can't achieve that, if Danzo is involved."


"He was the one who orchestrated the isolation of the clan as well as spread rumors that it was the Uchihas who betrayed the village by releasing the Kyuubi, when in fact, he actually allowed the weakening of the security details around that time, resulting to the massacre of the Uchihas in the future. Exactly one year from now."

Stunned. Shikaku calmly asked.

"And that's not all, isn't it?"

"No. As I mentioned earlier, he also stole a lot of Sharingan, taking them as his own."

He frowned, twitching in rage.

"There are many many more dirty things he had and will do."

Gritting his teeth, Shikaku closed his eyes and exhaled deeply as he crossed his arms.

"I'll help. What do you need me to do?"

Naruto grinned in delight while Shikamaru released a relieved sigh as he thought of the possible future.


It was now early in the morning, at the hospital where Sasuke can be seen sitting on his bed as a doctor gently uncover his eyes.

With his family standing by the side, anxiously waiting.

"Now, slowly open your eyes for me." The doctor requested.

Doing as told, he felt a slight sting when light touched his eyes but overall he can see just fine.

Taking everything around him, his eyes soon fell on his real and definitely alive family, who looked at him with relieved and varying expressions.

"Oh honey..." His mother launched herself on him and gave him a squeeze in delight.

"His eyes are now fine, Uchiha-sama. But it would be best if he shouldn't use his Sharingan for a few days until he's fully recovered." The doctor advised.

"Hn. Then I believe he's to be discharged?" Fugaku inquired.


With a nod, both of them went out of the room leaving his wife gushing over their son.

"Do you feel ok now, Sasuke? Your eyes don't hurt? No itchiness?"

"I-I'm fine, Okaa-sama." Sasuke assured his mother as he looked at her with gentleness, feeling a bit nostalgic at the affection she gives.

"Okaa-sama, Otou-sama already left to sign the papers. We should be helping him prepare to go home." Itachi reminded his mother as he discreetly observed his little brother.

"Oh of course!"

With that, by the time Fugaku came back to fetch them, they were all set to go.

Although, Fugaku soon separated from them to go back at the station for work.

As they walked, Sasuke can't help but look around discreetly as he felt marveled at the buildings, people they pass by.

The realization of arriving at the past soon felt much lighter compared to before, as he soon made up his mind concerning the future.

'Taking advantage of my current situation, acting like a child is fortunately NOT an option. With this, it can somewhat explain any changes or abnormalities they may find about me.'

Finally back at the compound, Mikoto went to the kitchen to cook their lunch while the brothers went to their rooms.

Sasuke stood in his room with a wistful yet bitter expression on his face as he walked to the mirror to see his reflection.

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