Chapter 1: Where it all Begins

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A loud disturbance can be heard outside of a secure facility's doors as a squad of guards position themselves in places of cover while their swat units stand at the ready to engage the unknown threat. Alarms ring out through the hallways as the flashing red lights shine down on the soldier's nervous faces as they steel themselves for combat. The sounds of bullets firing, screams of agony, and the distinct pounding of metal ring out on the other side of the door, steadily getting louder and louder. Then just as fast as the sounds appeared, the ended abruptly.

Collectively having a cold sweat, the guards ready their guns at the entrance for any signs of movement, even the briefest twitch most likely getting lit up like the 4th of July. Without warning, a series of rapid slashes cut through the thick steel door in quick succession as a square hole big enough to let a single man inside appeared. The chunk of metal was kicked onto the floor as smoke begun to fill the room from the hole, a lone silhouette of a man standing in the opening.

Without hesitation, all the gunmen fired in a blinding flash of gunfire as they sprayed every last bullet in their clips until they clicked empty, yet the man still stood. The man, or what should be more accurately said, the body, fell to the floor limply as another individual stood behind them. All their features obscured except the solitary glowing red eye as they walked out of the clouded corridor.

"Damn, you guys really don't know how to hold back, do ya?"

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"Damn, you guys really don't know how to hold back, do ya?"

The cyborg's raspy voice tone said jokingly as he asked the rhetorical question, the soldiers standing there with stunned gazes. On the ground was their commanding officer who now was riddled with so many bullet holes you may as well calm him Colonel Swiss Cheese. Hardening his grip on his baton, a lone guard armed with a shock baton and shield charged forth at their aggressor, shield at the ready to block whatever their weapon was. Though, much like the door, the shield didn't stand a chance against a high frequency as several barely visible slashes turned him into chunks of meat. Cracking a smile as he held the blade in a pointed position, Raiden spoke.

"Who's next?"

Before any of his victims could let out an answer or even a scream, Raiden made short work out of the remaining guards

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Before any of his victims could let out an answer or even a scream, Raiden made short work out of the remaining guards. Dodging their gunfire and easily cleaving through their shields until all of them were either stabbed or cut into pieces, he sighs due to boredom. However, a lone surviving guard who had managed to barely squeeze the last of his life into standing up held his pistol in hand, aiming it at the back of Raiden's head in a last-ditch effort. Glancing behind him, Raiden makes no attempt to stop him despite the danger, the reason for ends up popping out of the darkness as a canine form lunged at them.

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